Mid-term Evaluation for Bjarnhild Samland
Mid-term evaluation is an open and public seminar arranged by the faculty, where the candidate presents his/her work and is evaluated by a group of two experts appointed by candidate’s principal supervisor and approved by the Ph.D. programme Committee.
Bjarnhild Samland is a RESINNREG Ph.D. Programme candidate. Her research looks Co-creation and co-research with children.
Title of thesis:“Innovation in the Public Sector: Children as Co-Researchers”.
Main Supervisor: Dr. Tone Larsen.
Co-Supervisors:- Associate Professor Lillian Ylvisåker Pedersen and Professor Laila Margaret Nordstrand Berg.
1ST Opponent: Associate Professor Dina Von Heimburg, Institute for pedagogy and Lifelong Learning, NTNU.
2nd Opponent: Associate Professor Emeritus Sissel Seim, Institute for Welfare and Participation, HVL/Oslo Met.