Field of work

Tamsin Meaney is professor in mathematics education. She has been involved in teacher education programmes and supervised post-graduate students in New Zealand, Australia, Sweden and Norway. She is a highly productive mathematics education researcher with more than a 100 peer reviewed publication. Her specialities are in Indigenous education, early childhood education and teacher professional development. She has presented keynotes in several countries around the world. Presently she is the research leader of a large Norwegian Research Council funded project on "Learning about teaching argumentation for critical mathematics education in multilingual classrooms" that will run from 2018-2021. She is also running a project as part of the Kindergarten Knowledge (Kindknow) - Centre for Systemic Research on Diversity and Sustainable Futures.

Courses taught
  • MGBBNM550, Norwegian and mathematics in the early years of school 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
  • MGBMA503, Mathematics 3, module 3 - Mathematics education in research, 24/25
  • MGUMA503, Mathematics 3, module 3 - Mathematics education in research, 24/25


  • Développer des tâches qui utilisent plusieurs langues pour développer la compréhension algébrique

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse med matematikk i barnehagen

    Elena Severina, Marianne Undheim, Francesca Granone, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Barnehagelærerstudentenes synspunkter om digitale verktøy for å støtte matematiske utforskninger

    Mona Karbaschi Vee, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • The influence of promts on children's number stories

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Introducing the role of being an advocate in mathematics teacher education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2024)
  • Young students’ representations of mathematics in posing problems about fairness

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • etnomatematikk

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Norwegian and Swedish early childhood preservice teachers’ views on digital technologies for supporting mathematics explorations

    Mona Karbaschi Vee, Dorota Lembrér, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Children’s mathematical literacy as education for sustainable development

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Mathematical Modelling in Early Years of School

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Early childhood pre-service teachers’ preparation for using technology with children: a systematic literature review

    Sofia Papavlasopoulou, Marianne Undheim, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Sara Esmaeeli (2024)
  • "Shall we bullshit people?" Truth, lies and bullshit in argumentation that uses mathematics

    Eva Elise Tvedt, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Troels Lange (2024)
  • Possibilities for learning about mathematical argumentations using the language resources of multilingual preservice teachers

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2024)
  • What can children teach us? Researchers as learners

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • We are digital natives – preservice teachers’ professional mathematical identities

    Marianne Maugesten, Odd Tore Kaufmann, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • The complexity of task design for utilising the epistemic potential of multiple languages in developing pattern understandings

    Eugenia Ferrari, Silke Lekaus, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Mathematical and computational thinking in children’s problem solving with robots

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Elena Severina, Monica Gustavsen, Camilla Hoven, Sofie Larsen (2023)
  • Preservice and inservice teachers’ views on digital tools for diverse learners in mathematics education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Hilja Lisa Huru, Mona Kvivesen (2023)
  • Currachs and ethnomathematics

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Marie Ní Ríordáin (2023)
  • Conceptualising success in mathematics education: Three immigrant families discussing Saturday schooling of their children in Norway

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Sigve Ferstad, Tod L. Shockey (2023)
  • The field of mathematics education research and its boundaries

    David Wagner, Susanne Prediger, Michèle Artigue, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Gail Fitzsimons, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Young students’ representations of mathematics in posing problems about fairness Représentations des mathématiques par les jeunes élèves en posant des problèmes d'équité

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • The professional identities of prospective mathematics teachers who teach through programming

    Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • We are digital natives - preservice teachers' professional mathematical identities

    Marianne Maugesten, Odd Tore Kaufmann, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Design heuristic for generating conceptual learning opportunities through multiple languages – Exemplified for algebra

    Alexander Schüler-Meyer, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Ángela Uribe, Susanne Prediger (2023)
  • Special issue on mathematics in early childhood education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Elin Kirsti Lie Reikerås, Camilla Normann Justnes (2023)
  • Evaluating Minecraft as a mathematical language resource

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2023)
  • Regnefortellinger om rettferdighet og urettferdighet

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Vilde Tuene (2023)
  • Computational Thinking and Early Childhood Educators

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Doing teacher education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Tensions in mathematics teacher education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Lek med problemer

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Developing an analytical tool for radical socially-just teacher educator action research about language diverse mathematics classrooms

    Georgia Kasari, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • The complexity of preservice teachers doing an interdisciplinary statistics project

    Silke Lekaus, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tod Shockey (2022)
  • Kindergarten preservice teachers evaluating mathematical apps

    Mona Karbaschi Vee, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • I didn’t notice that there was mathematics in kindergarten: Polish parents’ views about Norwegian kindergartens

    Troels Lange, Dorota Lembrér, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Using digital tools in language diverse mathematics classrooms

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2022)
  • Views of pre-service teachers in Norway on the value of programming in teaching mathematical and pedagogical topics

    Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Possibilities for learning about mathematical argumentations using the language resources of multilingual preservice teachers

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Preservice teachers learning from teaching mathematics in multilingual classrooms

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Evaluating Minecraft as a mathematical language resource

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2022)
  • Ethnomathematics in Education: The Need for Cultural Symmetry

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick, Piata Allen (2022)
  • The cultural symmetry framework: a pedagogic approach developing mathematics activities in an Indigenous initial teacher education programme

    Tony Trinick, Piata Allen, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Using apps for sustaining young children’s mathematical languages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Issues with using Activity Theory to understand how master's students view their research skills as contributing to their future teaching

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Truth, lies and bullshit in critical mathematics education

    Eva Elise Tvedt, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange (2022)
  • Surveying preservice teachers’ understanding of aspects of mathematics teaching – a cluster analysis approach

    Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen, Rune Herheim, Ragnhild Hansen, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2022)
  • Panel: Local and global childhoods

    Torjer Andreas Olsen, Ylva Jannok Nutti, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Ol-Johán Sikku (2022)
  • Year 2 children posing and solving their own written problems.

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Issues with using Activity Theory to understand how Master students view their research skills as contributing to their future teaching

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange (2022)
  • Mathematical and computational thinking in children’s problem solving with robots

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Elena Severina, Monica Gustavsen, Anny-Mari Holm, Camilla Skauge Hoven, Sofie Bergitte Larsen (2022)
  • Views of Pre-service teachers in Norway on the value of programming in teaching mathematical and pedagogical topics

    Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Gestures, systemic functional linguistics and mathematics education

    Danyal Farsani, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Using digital tools in language diverse mathematics classrooms

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Preservice teachers’ views on programming as part of their professional identity as mathematics teachers

    Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Issues with using Activity Theory to understand how Master students view their research skills as contributing to their future teaching.

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Writing reviews: perspectives from the editors of Educational Studies in Mathematics

    Vilma Mesa, Arthur Bakker, Hamsa Venkat, David Wagner, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Gail FitzSimons (2021)
  • “My parents are pretty pleased with my maths”: students’ navigation of identity stories about mathematics

    Naomi Ingram, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • “I think it’s a smash hit”: Adding an audience to a critical mathematics education project

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2021)
  • Paulus Gerdes – reflections of Alan Bishop and Marit Johnsen-Høines in conversation with Tamsin Meaney

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Surveying mathematics preservice teachers

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange, Ragnhild Hansen, Rune Herheim, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen (2021)
  • Surveying preservice teachers’ understanding of aspects of mathematics teaching – a cluster analysis approach

    Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen, Rune Herheim, Ragnhild Hansen, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2021)
  • Regnefortellinger

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Barn på 2. trinn lager og løser sine egne skriftlige problemer

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Unfettering discussions about social justice: the role of conversational prompts in discussions about mathematics education for Indigenous students

    Tamsin Meaney, Anne Birgitte Fyhn, S.R.W. Graham (2021)
  • They saw and dared to call things mathematics: Facilitators' views on an online mathematics professional development module.

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Evaluating numeracy apps in different cultural contexts

    Aleksander Veraksa, Carme Balaguer, Silje Fyllingsnes Christiansen, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • “I am part of the group, the others listen to me”: theorising productive listening in mathematical group work

    Marie Sjöblom, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Milieus of learning in a Norwegian mathematics textbook.

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Milieus of learning in a Norwegian mathematics textbook

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Surveying mathematics preservice teachers

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange, Ragnhild Hansen, Rune Herheim, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen (2021)
  • Surveying preservice teachers’ understanding of aspects of mathematics teaching – a cluster analysis approach

    Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen, Rune Herheim, Ragnhild Hansen, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2021)
  • Preservice teachers learning from teaching mathematics in multilingual classrooms

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • What can we do against racism in mathematics education research?

    David Wagner, Arthur Bakker, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Vilma Mesa, Susanne Prediger, Wim Van Dooren (2020)
  • Using apps for sustaining young children’s mathematical languages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • The influence of digital technologies on the relationship between mathematics and culture

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tod Shockey (2020)
  • Cultural meetings? Curricula, Digital Apps and Mathematics Education

    Silje Fyllingsnes Christiansen, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Multilingual preservice teachers evaluating mathematical argumentation: Realised and potential learning opportunities

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2020)
  • Using problem posing to bring real-life into the mathematics classroom: can it be too real?

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Å formulere og løse problemer i barnehagen

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Evaluering av matematiske digitale spill: Hva barnehagestudentlærere merker

    Mona Karbaschi Vee, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Multilingual preservice teachers evaluating mathematical argumentation: Realised and potential learning opportunities.

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2020)
  • They saw and dared to call things mathematics: Facilitators’ views on an online mathematical professional development module.

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Evaluating numeracy apps in different cultural contexts

    Aleksander Veraksa, Carme Balaguer, Silje Fyllingsnes Christiansen, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Using apps for sustaining young children’s mathematical languages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Indigenous students in mathematics education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick (2020)
  • Ethnomathematics and Indigenous teacher education: Waka migrations

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Matematikdidaktik i förskolan

    Ola Helenius, Maria L. Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2020)
  • Kindergarten Teachers’ Stories About Young Children’s Problem Posing and Problem Solving

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • The Semiotic Resources Children Use in Their Explanations of Hypothetical Situations

    Elena Severina, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • The role of language in ethnomathematics

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall, Tony Trinick (2019)
  • The relationship between language, culture, and ethnomathematics

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2019)
  • Statistical Enquiry and Cultural Knowledge: Ocean Settlement Voyages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2019)
  • What the mathematics in the puzzles and handicrafts in 1920s Danish children’s magazines tells about childhoods

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)
  • Preservice teachers learning from teaching mathematics in multilingual classroooms

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)
  • Digitale verktøy er bra for tilpasset opplæring (men kanskje ikke så bra for å lære matematikk)

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Bodil Stakkestad Kristensen, Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Hilja Lisa Huru, Mona Kvivesen (2019)
  • Multilingual mathematics: Using digital games to develop children´s mathematical languages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)
  • Prinsipper som bør legges til grunn for etablering av forskningsgrupper

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)
  • Discussing Mathematics Teacher Education for Language Diversity

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2019)
  • Supporting Language Diversity In Mathematics Teacher Education: A Framework

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2019)
  • Learning about Teaching Argumentation for Critical Mathematics Education in Multilingual Classrooms: An Introduction

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • When does a difference make a difference? Teaching about language diversity in mathematics teacher education.

    Andrea Synnøve Blomsø Eikset, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Talking about mathematics in two languages: Can parental views inform the development of digital games for young children?

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Language diversity in mathematics education in the Nordic countries 2008-2018

    Tamsin Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2018)
  • Språklig mangfold i matematikkundervisning i de nordiske landa fra 2008-2018

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Differential Enhancement in Mathematical Pre-School Class Activities

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2018)
  • The semiotic resources childnre use in their explanations of hypithetical situations

    Elena Severina, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Kindergarten teachers' views on problem solving and the mathematical activities of young children

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Developing mathematics education understandings from Kakadu to early childhood: The art of mentoring

    Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Minecraft in mathematics classrooms: A teacher´s perspective

    Tamsin Meaney, Ruzica Pajic (2018)
  • Ethnomathematics and Indigenous teacher education: Canoe Migrations

    Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Unframing mathematics: Effecting social justice

    Tamsin Meaney, Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Shana Graham (2018)
  • The ethnomathematics of childhood: Puzzles and handicrafts in 1920s Danish children´s magazines

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Mathematics as the Trojan horse in Norwegian early childhood policy?

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Magni Elen Hope Lossius, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Indigenous students and mathematics education

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick (2018)
  • Preservice teachers recognising and responding to young children’s engagement with mathematics

    Dorota Lembrér, Suela Kacerja, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Young children´s engagement with mathematics: Expanding teacher educators´ views

    Inge Olav Hauge, Suela Kacerja, Troels Lange, Johan Lie, Tamsin Meaney, Elena Severina (2018)
  • Policy Production Through the Media: The Case of More Mathematics in Early Childhood Education

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2018)
  • Mathematics Curricula: Issues of Access and Quality

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2018)
  • Language choice and ethnomathematics in the Pacific: Transforming education?

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2017)
  • Statistical enquiry and cultural knowledge: Ocean settlement voyages

    Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • Introduction to the papers of TWG10: Diversity and mathematics education: Social, cultural and political challenges

    Lisa Bjørklund Boistrup, Nina Bohlmann, Javier Díez-Palomar, David Kollosche, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • Supporting young children’s mathematical register learning in two languages: ICT possibilities

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • How Sámi teachers development of a teaching unit influences their self-determination

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Kristine Nystad, Ylva Jannok Nutti (2017)
  • (Wanting to do) Ethical research in a shifting context

    Andrea Synnøve Blomsø Eikset, Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Johan Lie, Magni Elen Hope Lossius, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • Indigenous Teacher Education: When Cultural Enquiry Meets Statistical Enquiry

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • To Gain Knowledge of How to be Challenging: Preschool Mathematics Professional Development

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2017)
  • Language Choice and Ethnomathematics in the Pacific: Transforming Education?

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2017)
  • Cultural and Mathematical Symmetry in Māori Meeting Houses (Wharenui)

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2017)
  • Teacher Narratives about Supporting Children to Read and Write in Mathematics: The Case of Kay

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • Highlighting Heritages and Building Tasks: A Critical Analysis of Mathematics Classroom Discourse Literature

    Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Jessica Pierson Bishop, Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim (2017)
  • Computer Programming in the Lower Secondary Classroom: Mathematics Learning

    Johan Lie, Inge Olav Hauge, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • How Sámi teachers’ development of a teaching unit influences their self-determination

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Kristine Nystad, Ylva Jannok Nutti (2017)
  • Book Review: How research fields change — the documentation of a process. Anjum Halai and PhilipClarkson (Eds.) (2016) Teaching and learning mathematicsin multilingual classrooms

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2017)
  • When does a difference make a difference? Teaching about language diversity in mathematics teacher education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Andrea Synnøve Blomsø Eikset (2017)
  • Bodies balancing: Young children learning

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Measuring temperature within the didaktic space of preschool

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Locating learning of toddlers in the individual/society and mind/body divides

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Locating learning of toddlers in the individual/society and mind/body divides

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • The relationship between language, culture and ethnomathematics

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2016)
  • The mythologising of preschool mathematics: what is it supposed to do?

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Using Gee’s Building Tasks to Analyse Research on Mathematics Classroom Discourse: Trodden Paths and Lessons Learned

    Jessica Bishop, Heyd-Metzuyanim Einat, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann (2016)
  • The production of “common sense” in the Media about more mathematics in early childhood education

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Mathematics curricula: Issues of Access and Quality

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Cultural and Mathematical Symmetry in Māori meeting Houses (Wharenui)

    Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Teacher educators´ Views of young children’s mathematics: The impact of different roles

    Inge Olav Hauge, Suela Kacerja, Troels Lange, Johan Lie, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Elena Severina (2016)
  • Preservice teachers responding and recognising to young children´s engagement with mathematics

    Dorota Lembrer, Suela Kacerja, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Lytting i matematiske samtaler mellom elever på videregående skole

    Marie Sjöblom, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Matematikdidaktik i førskolan

    Ola Helenius, Johansson Maria, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Distribution, recognition and representation: Mathematics education and Indigenous students

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Cris Edmonds-Wathen, Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington, Tony Trinick (2016)
  • Professional development facilitators: Reflecting on our practice

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Power in preschools: How to support teachers in the unpacking process.

    Dorota Lembrer, Maria C. Johansson, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • What maths do children engage with in Swedish preschools?

    Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Preschool children learning mathematical thinking on interactive tables

    Dorota Lembrer, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • When Is Young Children’s Play Mathematical?

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Introduction

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Mathematics Education in the Early Years - Results from the POEM2 Conference, 2014

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Children's agency in learning mathematics

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Reintroducing Māori ethnomathematical activities into the classroom: Traditional Māori spatial orientation concepts

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2015)
  • Rethinking teachers' learning as practice

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Paola Valero (2015)
  • Beginning early: Mathematical exclusion

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Mathematical exclusion with the every day

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Teacher reflection when supporting children to read and write in mathematics: The case of Kay

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2015)
  • The production of “common sense” in the media about more mathematics in early childhood education

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2015)
  • «The why, what, when, where and how of publishing»

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange (2015)
  • Multikulturalitet og lærerutdanning i matematikk: Opplegg til seksjonsseminar 7-8 mai 2015

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2015)
  • Have you only played today?

    Ola Helenius, Maria C Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Suela Kacerja (2015)
  • Preschool teachers' perceptions of the role of videos in professional development

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Socioeconomic influence on mathematics achievement: What is visible and what is neglected?

    Paola Valero, Melody Graven, Murat Jurak, Danny Martin, Tamsin Meaney, Miriam Penteado (2015)
  • Analysing instrumental and pedagogic situations in preschools using the didaktic space

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Theorising the design of professional development web modules

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Preschool teachers' awareness of mathematics

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Locating learning of toddlers in the individual/society and mind/body divides

    Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • Mathematics education at the preschool level

    Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • Finding the way: Cultural revival through mathematics education

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2015)
  • Beginning early: Mathematical exclusion.

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Power in preschools: How to support teachers in the unpacking process

    Dorota Lembrer, Maria C Johansson, Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • It’s not just a matter of pink blocks: The provenance of learning resources

    Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • Being and becoming as socialisation in a mathematical activity in preschool

    Dorota Lembrer, Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • E Haere Ana Koe Ki Hea? Spatial thinking: Traditional Māori systems and language of spatial orientation

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2015)
  • “I am [not always] a maths hater”: Shifting students’ identity narratives in context

    Annica Andersson, Paola Valero, Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • Development of Mathematics Teaching: Design, Scale, Effects. Proceedings from MADIF9: The Ninth Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Umeå, February 4-5, 2014

    Ola Helenius, Arne Engström, Tamsin Meaney, Per Nilsson, Eva Norén, Judy Sayers (2015)
  • Preschool teachers' awareness of mathematics

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Bishop's 6 activities: Changing preschool teachers' mathematical awareness

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Analysing instrumental and pedagogic situations in preschools using the didaktic space

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Educational myths about mathematics education and what they are doing to young children

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • When is preschool children's play mathematical?

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)

    Dorota Lembrer, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • The mythologising of preschool mathematics: what is it suppose to do?

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • It’s not just a matter of pink blocks: The provenance of mathematical learning

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • Indigenous students and mathematics education

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick (2014)
  • Mathematical teaching moments : between instruction and construction

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Rousing mathematics classrooms out of the ice-age

    Vicki Hand, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • It’s just as well kids don’t vote: The positioning of children through public discourse around national testing

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • Back to the future? Children living in poverty, early childhood centres and mathematics education

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • The contextual influences on teachers learning the registers for teaching and learning mathematics in another language

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2014)
  • Young children’s multimodal mathematical explanations

    Maria Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Socialisation tensions in the Swedish preschool curriculum: The case of mathematics

    Dorota Lembrer, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • Immigrant students’ perceptions of their possibilities to learn: The case of homework

    Petra Svensson, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Norén (2014)
  • When do I get to say we?

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • Trends in researching the socioeconomic influences on mathematical achievement

    Paola Valero, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • The privileging of English in mathematics education research, just a necessary evil?

    Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Yngre barns förståelse av mätning

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Matematiklyftet: Modul för förskoleklass

    Tamsin Meaney, Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2013)
  • Matematiklyftet: Modul for förskola

    Tamsin Meaney, Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2013)
  • iPads and mathematical play: A new kind of sandpit for young children

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Learners in Transition Between Contexts

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • One size does not fit all: Achieving equity in Māori mathematics classrooms

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2013)
  • Upsetting the norms of teacher education

    Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Mathematics curriculum development and Indigenous language revitalisation: Contested spaces

    Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington, Tony Trinick, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Professional development facilitators: Reflecting on our practice

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Socioeconomic influence on mathematics achievement: What is visible and what is neglected?

    Paola Valero, Melody Graven, Murat Jurak, Danny Martin, Tamsin Meaney, Miriam Penteado (2012)
  • How one preschool teacher recognises mathematical teaching moments

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2012)
  • Yngre barns föreställningar om rum

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2012)
  • Yngre barns förståelse av mätning

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2012)
  • What maths do children learn in Swedish preschools?

    Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2012)
  • The tail wagging the dog? The effect of national testing on teachers' agency

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2012)
  • Swedish preschools, play and the learning of mathematics

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2012)
  • Digital technologies and developing mathematical understandings

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2012)
  • Indigenous students and the learning of mathematics

    Tamsin Meaney, Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington, Tony Trinick (2012)
  • Collaborating to meet language challenges in Indigenous mathematics classrooms

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2012)
  • What is the responsibility of mathematics education to the Indigenous students that it serves?

    Tamsin Meaney, Deb Evans (2012)
  • Knowing mathematics to be a teacher

    Tamsin Meaney, Troels Lange (2012)
  • Preservice teachers learning mathematics from the internet

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Professional development facilitators reflecting on our practice

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Preservice teachers learning mathematics from the internet

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Becoming disadvantaged: Public discourse around national testing.

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • I actually started to scream: Emotional and mathematical trauma from doing school mathematics homework

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Only two more sleeps until the school holidays: One child’s home experiences of measurement.

    Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Preservice students' responses to being tested on their primary school mathematical knowledge

    Tamsin Meaney, Troels Lange (2010)
  • A means to an end: The relationship between interactive whiteboards and developing mathematical understandings.

    Tamsin Meaney, Troels Lange (2010)
  • Preservice students' responses to being tested on their primary school mathematical knowledge

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • Structured or structuring: Setting up a professional development project

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • Children's perspectives on mathematics homework

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • Only two more sleeps until the school holidays: Referring to quantities of things at home

    Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • If a quarter crashes, so it dies: Children's meaning making in mathematics lessons

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • Critical travel through mathematics education

    Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • I actually started to scream: Doing school mathematics homework

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2009)
  • The conference was awesome: Social justice and a mathematics teacher conference

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2009)
  • Learning how to represent mathematics on paper

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2009)
  • Mathematics education and Indigenous students

    Tamsin Meaney, Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington, Tony Trinick (2008)
  • School mathematical discourse in a learning landscape: Understanding mathematics education in multicultural settings

    Paola Valero, Tamsin Meaney, Helle Alrø, Uenuku Fairhall, Tony Trinick, Ola Skovsmose (2008)
  • Authority relations in the acquisition of the mathematics register at home and at school

    Tamsin Meaney (2007)
  • Weighing up the influence of context on judgements of mathematical literacy

    Tamsin Meaney (2007)
  • Really that’s probably about roughly what goes down: Hesitancies and uncertainties in mathematics assessment interactions

    Tamsin Meaney (2006)
  • Mathematics as text

    Tamsin Meaney (2005)
  • What’s power got to do with it?

    Tamsin Meaney (2004)
  • Symbiosis or cultural clash? Indigenous students learning mathematics

    Tamsin Meaney (2002)
  • An Indigenous community doing mathematics curriculum development

    Tamsin Meaney (2001)