NAB3037 Tank operations
Course description for academic year 2019/2020
Contents and structure
The course addresses numerous basic and more advanced concepts, relevant for working on board an oil tanker or a chemical tanker.
The course covers regulations in STCW 78 including amendments, table A-V/1-1-1, A-V/1-1-2 and A-V/1-1-3, and qualifies for applying for lowest grade and highest grade oil and chemical tankerman certificate.
Safe Operations
- Relevant regulations
- How to avoid dangers
- General HMS
- Crisis and Emergencies
- Physical properties oil and chemicals
- Risk Assessment related to safe operations
- Risk Management related to safe operations
- Operational equipment
Enviroment and pollution
- MARPOL and relevant guidelines
- Accident Prevention
- Pollution Prevention
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Management
- Ballast Water Treatment
- VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
- Equipment
- Basic principles for cargo operations
- Advanced principles for cargo operations
- Issues related to cargo operations
- Tank Cleaning
- Gasfreeing
- COW (Crude Oil Washing)
- Special operations
- Theoretical training, liquid fire; oil / chemicals
- Fire preparedness; oil / chemicals
- Firefighting Crude
- Firefighting Chemicals
- Equipment for firefighting; oil / chemicals
- Evacuation from enclosed spaces
- Equipment for escaping enclosed spaces
- Theoretical training, medical first aid; oil / chemical
- Medical treatment oil
- Medical treatment chemical
- Medical treatment burn injuries
- First aid in enclosed spaces
- Safety in enclosed spaces
- Gas measuring equipment operation and maintenance
- Gas measurement
- Work in enclosed spaces
- Safety and escape equipment
Learning Outcome
The student:
- Has broad knowledge regarding tank operations on oil tankers and chemical tankers
- Has broad knowledge regarding rules & regulations for oil tankers and chemical tankers
- Are able to see modern tank operations in historic context
- Has knowledge of research and development within the area
The student:
- Are able to use theory and professional knowledge within tank operations
- Can assess and execute necessary pollution preventive actions
- Understands the use of quality management systems
- Can use Oil or Cargo Record Books
- Can reflect on loading, storage, transport and discharging of oil cargo
- Can reflect on loading, storage, transport and discharging of chemical cargo
The student:
- Can carry out safe and environmental friendly operations on oil tankers and chemical tankers
- Has insight into academic and professional ethical issues related to tank operations on oil and chemical tankers.
- Can discuss theories, problems and solutions related to tank operations with professionals and others.
- Is familiar with innovation and new development related to oil and chemical tank operations.
Entry requirements
NAB1022 Chemistry or equivalent.
Recommended previous knowledge
- NAB2011 Thermo Dynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- NAB2028 Loading techniques
Teaching methods
- Lectures, group work, case studies and practical exercises.
Compulsory learning activities
Mandatory attendance (max 4hrs not present) and written assignments.
- School exam, written exam, individual 4 hours, emphases 50/100, grading A-F
- Home exam, case study, group exam, 72 hours, emphases 50/100, grading A-F
Examination support material
- School exam - he University College's calculator
- Home exam - all supporting aids allowed