
Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla

Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

Czarecah Oropilla (Eya) er en postdoktorforsker ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet, der hun er en del av KINDknow-senteret (barnehagekunnskapssenter for systemisk forskning om mangfold og bærekraftig framtid) og der hun også tok sin doktorgrad. Hennes doktorgradsprosjekt er en utforskning av generasjonsmøter mellom barn og eldre voksne innen early childhood education and care (ECEC).

Eya er for tiden medleder av EX-PED-LAB. Hun jobber med prosjekter som omhandler pedagogiske innovasjoner og samarbeid. Hun har startet en ny podcast gjennom HVL og EX-PED-LAB kalt "PedPod by EX-PED-LAB" der hun snakker med forskere innen ECEC om pedagogiske innovasjoner.

Hun har en bachelorgrad i familieliv og barns utvikling fra University of the Philippines der hun ble uteksaminert cum laude. Hun ble tildelt et Erasmus Mundus-stipend for en internasjonal mastergrad i ECEC, et fellesprogram mellom Oslo og Akershus universitetssenter (nå Oslo Metropolitan University), University of Gothenburg, Dublin Institute of Technology (nå Technical University Dublin) og University of Malta.

I tillegg til opplæring innen forskning og utdanning i europeiske land, har Eya undervist i bachelorstudiet ved University of the Philippines. Hun var også barnehagelærer ved UP Child Development Center. Hun har også vært ansvarlig for driften av KidZania, et internasjonalt rollespill-anlegg for barn og deres familier i Manila.


Underviser i

MBA 515 (veileder)

MBA 516 (veileder)

MARE550 Ageing and Interprofessional and Intersectoral Collaboration lecture

Forskar på
  • Intergenerational Engagements
  • Early Childhood Education and Care
  • Children's Voice and Participation
  • Social Sustainability
  • Collaborative Explorations
  • Pedagogical Innovations and Co-Creations



  • Exploring the Integration of EX-PED-LAB's Wheel of Co-Creation into a Playful Tool for Kindergarten Practitioners: A Workshop Proposal

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Hege Fimreite, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard (2024)
  • Samskaping og forskningsdrevet pedagogisk innovasjon

    Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Hege Fimreite, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Olga Shangina, Thale Jacobsen Åsli (2024)
  • PedPod dialogue with Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • PedPod dialogue with Elin Eriksen Ødegaard

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard (2024)
  • PedPod dialogue with Helle Marie Skovbjerg

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • PedPod dialogue with Ana Marjanovic-Shane

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • PedPod dialogue with Arjen Wals

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Welcome to PedPod by EX-PED-LAB

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Ped Pod dialogue with Hege Fimreite

    Hege Fimreite, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Belonging and local cultural explorations through intergenerational musical co-creations-a case study from Norway

    Grete Storbekk Eriksen, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Unveiling Intergenerational Engagements as Pedagogical Innovations and a Pathway to Sustainable Systems in Early Childhood Education and Care

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Success of and barriers to workshop methodology: Experiences from Exploration and Pedagogical Innovation Laboratories (EX-PED-LAB)​

    Hege Fimreite, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Øyvind Glosvik, Anne Grethe Sønsthagen, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Lillian Pedersen (2024)
  • Opening up arenas for dialogues for culture and community needs

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Researching Intergenerational Engagements and Programmes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Methodological Reflexivity on Research Pivots

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Sansesamtaler - sanselig utforsking av livet i fjæra.

    Inga Margrethe Fagerbakke, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard (2024)
  • Sansesamtaler - en sanselig reise langs kyst og hav

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Inga Margrethe Fagerbakke (2024)
  • Have we forgotten how to play?

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Bor det monstre i havet? Fortellinger mellom generasjoner og forskere

    Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Hege Wergedahl, Eli Kristin Aadland, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Kjartan leirvik Grønhaug, Vegard Bringsvor Sandvik (2024)
  • Identifying Socioemotional Skills for the Digital Age: Foundations of an Early Childhood Literature-Based Program

    Lovena Moneva, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • A context-specific exploration of teacher agency in the promotion of movement and physical activities in early childhood education and care settings

    Charla Rochella Saamong, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Alfredo Bautista, Catherine Capio (2024)
  • Teamwork, Networking and Co-creations Workshops for PhD candidates: yay or nay?

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2024)
  • Visibilizing learning in intergenerational engagements between young children and older adults in the Philippines during the pandemic lockdown in 2020

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2023)
  • Intergenerational stories: Recognizing intergenerational engagements as arenas for collaborations, well-being and sustainability

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2023)
  • One Ocean Exploration Symposium - Barna ved Nordsjøen

    Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Aihua Hu, Janne torsvik, Monica Gustavsen, andrine Kongshaug ingebrigsten (2023)
  • Felles utforskning som arbeidsform - en vei å vise - en vei å gå. Rapport fra en nasjonal studie om innhold og arbeidsmåter i barnehagen

    Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Aihua Hu, Elena Severina, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Åsta Birkeland (2023)
  • Sustaining Stories of the Seas: Intergenerational collaborative narratives enriching early childhood education

    Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2023)
  • An intergenerational perspective from the Philippines. Together Old and Young Blog.

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2023)
  • Sikolohiyang Pilipino: Implications for Formal and Informal Learning Institutions and Settings in the Philippines

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Jean Guadana, Charla Rochella Saamong (2023)
  • Visibilizing learning from intergenerational engagements between young children and older adults in the Philippines

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2023)
  • Exploring intergenerational engagements and programmes in the field of early childhood education and care

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2023)
  • Learnings and reflections from intergenerational engagements between young children and older adults in the Philippines during the pandemic lockdown in 2020

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2022)
  • Quality Education and Responsible Consumption and Production: Intergenerational and Multi-disciplinary Approach Towards Sustainable Futures for Children and Families

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2022)
  • Intergenerational meetings in Norwegian kindergartens amidst an ongoing pandemic:Challenges and Opportunities

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Gloria Quinones (2022)
  • Visibilizing Everyday Intergenerational Engagements: Philippines in 2020 Lockdown

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Jayne White (2022)
  • Responsiveness of travel restriction policies at universities in China, Australia, and Norway amid the COVID-19 pandemic

    Yingxin Liu, Ai Tam Le, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2022)
  • Conducting Research Across Early Childhood Industries

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2022)
  • Kindergarten practitioners’ perspectives on intergenerational programs in Norwegian kindergartens during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring transitions and transformations in institutional practices

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Gloria Quinones (2022)
  • The role of research in protecting children’s rights to play

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)
  • How intergenerational approach can contribute to promoting health and well-being of children

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)
  • Fostering intergenerational engagements and programmes in the field of early childhood education and care

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)
  • Intergenerational Interactions During a Pandemic Lockdown: A Glimpse from the Philippines

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)
  • Intergenerational engagements during the corona pandemic lockdown: Opportunities amidst a global crisis

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)
  • Promoting sustainable development through equal access to quality education: BSRS Policy Brief (SDG Bergen Science Advice & BSRS 2021)

    Julia Martha Gaunce, Maximilian Brönner, Chan Hum, Gigi Chiying Lam, Yingxin Liu, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)
  • Intergenerational Learning and Sikolohiyang Pilipino: Perspectives from the Philippines

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Jean Guadana (2021)
  • Strengthening the Call for Intentional Intergenerational Programmes towards Sustainable Futures for Children and Families

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard (2021)
  • Generasjonsmøter i barnehager – hvorfor er det viktig?

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Linda Fahle-Johansen (2021)
  • Designing for playful collaborative explorations: an intergenerational play perspective

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard (2021)
  • Intergenerational Learning and Sikolohiyang Pilipino: Perspectives from the Philippines

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)
  • Book Launch - Celebrating 'Childhood Cultures in Transformation - 30 Years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Action towards Sustainability'

    Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Jorunn Spord Borgen, Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla, Anja Maria Pesch, Liv Torunn Grindheim, Hege Wergedahl (2021)
  • Spaces for Transitions in Intergenerational Childhood Experiences

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2021)
  • Intergenerational and Multi-disciplinary Approach Towards Sustainable Futures for Children and Families

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2020)
  • Can intergenerational programmes between younger children and older adults contribute to discourses on sustainability, participation, diversity and inclusion?

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2020)
  • Is there space for research with young children and older adults in kindergartens?

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2020)
  • Young Child’s and Older Adult’s Voices: Dialogue in a Song

    Czarecah Tuppil Oropilla (2020)
  • Children’s Voices in Exploring Their Interests Using Different Media

    Czarecah Oropilla (2014)