Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

Eg har vore tilsett ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet, tidlegare Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane sidan 2008, sidan 2018 som professor i Idrettsvitskap ved Fakultet for lærarutdanning, kultur og idrett, Institutt for idrett, kosthold og naturfag. Eg leiar forskingsgruppa for Fysisk aktivitet og folkehelse ved fakultetet. Eg arbeider fyrst og fremst med forsking og undervising knytt til fysisk aktivitet og helse, men også knytt til friluftsliv og havpadling spesielt. Mine fremste forskingsinteresser er fysisk aktivitet, fysisk form og folkehelse, fysisk aktivitet hjå barn og unge, fysisk aktivitet i barnehage og skule, måling av fysisk aktivitet og fysisk form, akselerometer, samt risikovurdering og risikohandtering i friluftsliv og havpadling, undervising, leiing og læring i havpadling. Eg leiar to store forsking- og utviklingsprosjekt i barnehagen, Active Learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) og Move-play-explore in early childhood education (MoveEarly).

Publikasjonar siste fem år (2020-)

Aadland KN, Lervåg A, Andersen JR, Howard SJ, Ommundsen Y, Aadland E. Effects of a staff physical activity professional development intervention on preschoolers’ mental health and self-regulation: The active learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 2024, 102705,

Haugland ES, Nilsen AKO, Vabø KB, Pesce C, Bartholomew J, Okely AD, Tjomsland HE, Aadland KN, Aadland E. Effects of a staff-led multicomponent physical activity intervention on preschoolers’ fundamental motor skills and physical fitness: The ACTNOW cluster-randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2024, 21:69,

Cliff D, Antczak D, Draper CE, Olds T, Santos R, Silva DES, Tremblay MS, van Sluijs EMF, Kemp B, Aadland E, Aadland KN, Bezerra TA, Burley J, Carson V, Christian HE, De Craemer M, Downing K, Hesketh KD, Jones RA, Kuzik N, Lehto R, Martins C, Mota J, Nathan A, Okely AD, Roos E, Sousa-Sa E, Vale, S, Wiebe S, Janssen I. The sleep and activity database for the early years (SADEY) study: design and methods. Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors, 2024: 3:15.

Baumeister TUH, Aadland E, Linington RG, Kvalheim OM. Multivariate pattern analysis: a method and software to reveal, quantify, and visualize predictive association patterns in multicollinear data. BMC Bioinformatics, 2024: 25: 51.

Haugland ES, Nilsen AKO, Okely AD, Aadland KN, Aadland E. Multivariate physical activity association patterns for fundamental motor skills and physical fitness in preschool children aged 3-5 years. Journal of Sports Sciences 2023,

Nilsen AKO, Espedal H, Aadland KN, Aadland E. Associations between educators’ and children’s physical activity and sedentary time in Norwegian preschoolers: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Sports Sciences 2023,  

Aadland E, Nilsen AKO. The influence of reliability and variability of objectively measured physical activity on associations with lower body muscle strength in young children. Journal of Sports Sciences 2023,  

Resaland GK, Bartholomew JB, Andersen LB, Anderssen SA, Aadland E. Effects of a school-based physical activity intervention on cardiometabolic health 5 years after cessation. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2023: 00: 1-13,

Aadland KN, Lervåg A, Ommundsen Y, Aadland E. Structural validity of the Norwegian version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in children aged 3-6 years. Frontiers in Psychology 2022,

Pedersen L, Bjørnestad E, Nornes-Nymark M, Engesæter M, Aadland E. Kvalitet i samspelet mellom personale og barn i norske barnehagar observer med ECERS-R. Nordisk barnehageforskning 2022: 19(3): 97-115,      

Krogager Albertsen H, Aadland KN, Johannessen K, Jones R, Aadland E. Associations between the movement environment and preschooler’s physical activity and sedentary time in Norwegian preschools. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 2022,

Aadland E, Ylvisåker E, Johannessen K, Nilsen AKO. Prospective association patterns for the physical activity intensity spectrum with body mass index and lower body muscle strength in Norwegian children aged 3-9 years. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2022:

Bartholomew J, Clutton J, Burford K, Aadland E, Resaland GK, Jowers EM, Errisuiz V. Individual- and Environmental-Level Predictors of Recess Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Findings from the I-CAN! Study. Translational Journal of the ACSM 2022: 7(4): e000212. 

Kvalheim O, Rajalahti T, Aadland E. An approach to assess and adjust for the influence of multicollinear covariates on metabolomics association patterns – applied to a study of the associations between a comprehensive lipoprotein profile and the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance. Metabolomics 2022: 18:72,   

Aadland E, Nilsen AKO, Haugland ES, Vabø KB, Aadland KN. The multivariate physical activity signatures associated with body mass index and waist-to-height ratio in 3–5-year-old Norwegian children. Preventive Medicine Reports 2022: 29: 101930

Aadland KN, Nilsen AKO, Lervåg AO, Aadland E. Structural validity of a test battery for assessment of fundamental movement skills in Norwegian 3–6-year-old children. Journal of Sports Sciences 2022,

Aadland E, Nilsen AKO. Accelerometer epoch length influence associations for physical activity intensities with body mass index and locomotor skills in young children. Journal of Sports Sciences 2022,  

Aadland E, Okely AD, Nilsen AKO. Trajectories of physical activity and sedentary time in Norwegian children aged 3–9 years: a 5-year longitudinal study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2022: 19:67,

Vabø KB, Aadland KN, Howard SJ, Aadland E. The multivariate physical activity signatures associated with self-regulation, executive function, and early academic learning in 3–5-year-old children. Frontiers in Psychology 2022: 13: 842271.  

Dempsey PC, Aadland E, Strain T, Kvalheim OM, Westgate K, Lindsay T, Khaw K, Wareham NJ, Brage S, Wijndaele K. Physical activity intensity profiles associated with cardiometabolic risk in middle-aged to older men and women. Preventive Medicine 2022: 156 (2022): 106977, 

Jones P, Rajalahti T, Resaland GK, Aadland E, Steene-Johannessen J, Anderssen SA, Bathen TF, Andreassen T, Kvalheim OM, Ekelund U. Associations of lipoprotein particle profile and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in schoolchildren: a prospective cohort study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2022: 19:5,

Stodden D, Lakes KD, Cote J, Aadland E, Benzing V, Brian A, et al. Exploration: an overarching focus for holistic development. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior 2021: 15(5): 301-20,

Rajalahti T, Aadland E, Resaland GK, Anderssen SA, Kvalheim OM. Influence of adiposity and physical activity on the cardiometabolic association pattern of lipoprotein subclasses to aerobic fitness in prepubertal children. Plos One 2021: 16(11): e0259901,

Petersen TL, Brønd JC, Kristensen PL, Aadland E, Grøntved A, Jepsen R. Resemblance in physical activity in families with children in time segments during the week. The Lolland-Falster Health Study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2021,

Ylvisåker E, Nilsen AKO, Johannessen K, Aadland E. The role of weather conditions on time spent outdoors and in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among Norwegian preschoolers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2021,  

Rajalahti T, Aadland E, Resaland GK, Anderssen SA, Kvalheim OM. Cardiometabolic associations between physical activity, adiposity, and lipoprotein subclasses in prepubertal Norwegian children. Nutrients 2021: 13: 2095,

Hamre Eike GS, Aadland E, Blom EE, Riiser A. Validation of a modified submaximal balke protocol to assess cardiorespiratory fitness in individuals at high risk of or with chronic health conditions - a pilot study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 2021:3: Article 642538,   

Migueles JH, Aadland E, Andersen LB, Brønd JC, Chastin S, Hansen BH, Konstabel K, Kvalheim O, McGregor D, Rowlands A, Sabia S, van Hees VT, Walmsley R, Ortega FB, External review group. GRANADA consensus on analytical approaches to assess associations with accelerometer-determined physical behaviours (physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep) in epidemiological studies. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2021,

Skrede T, Aadland E, Anderssen SA, Resaland GK, Ekelund U. Bi-directional prospective associations between sedentary time, physical activity and adiposity in 10-year-old Norwegian children. Journal of Sports Sciences 2021,  

Perez-Bey A, Delgado-Alfonso A, Aadland E, Resaland GK, Martinez-Gomez D, Veiga OL, Ponce-Gonzalez JG, Castro-Pinero J. Fitness, waist circumferences and their association with future blood pressure in youth: The UP&DOWN Longitudinal Study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2021,

Jones P, Rajalahti T, Resaland GK, Aadland E, Steene-Johannessen J, Anderssen SA, Bathen TF, Andreassen T, Kvalheim OM, Ekelund U. Cross-sectional and prospective associations between aerobic fitness and lipoprotein particle profile in a cohort of Norwegian schoolchildren. Atherosclerosis 2021:321: 21-29,

Aadland E, Holmøy OK, Nilsen AKO. The multivariate physical activity signature associated with body mass index in young children. Preventive Medicine 2021: 145: 106437,

Johannessen K, Bjørnestad E, Nilsen AKO, Ylvisåker E, Nornes-Nymark M, Engesæter M, Pedersen L, Aadland E. The association between preschool quality and objectively assessed physical activity among Norwegian preschoolers. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education 2020: 4:2: 7-25,

Petersen TL, Brønd JC, Kristensen PL, Aadland E, Grøntvedt A, Jepsen R. Resemblance in accelerometer-assessed physical activity in families with children: The Lolland-Falster Health Study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2020: 17:161, 

Aadland E, Kvalheim OM, Hansen BH, Kriemler S, Ried-Larsen M, Wedderkopp N, Sardinha LB, Møller NC, Hallal P, Anderssen SA, Northstone K, Andersen LB, On behalf of the International Children’s Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators. The multivariate physical activity signature associated with metabolic health in children: An International Children’s Accelerometry Database (ICAD) analysis. Preventive Medicine 2020: 141,

Blom EE, Aadland E, Solbraa AK, Oldervoll L. Healthy Life Centers: a 3-month behavior change programme’s impact on participants’ physical activity, aerobic fitness and obesity: an observational study. BMJ Open 2020, 035888 

Aadland E, Nilsen AKO, Andersen LB, Rowlands A, Kvalheim OM. A comparison of analytical approaches to investigate associations for accelerometry-derived physical activity spectra with health and developmental outcomes in children. Journal of Sports Sciences 2020,  

Aadland E, Andersen LB, Migueles JH, Ortega FB, Kvalheim OM. Interpretation of associations between the accelerometry physical activity spectrum and cardiometabolic health and locomotor skills in two cohorts of children using raw, log-transformed, or compositional data. Journal of Sports Sciences 2020,  

Aadland E, Tjomsland HE, Johannessen K, Nilsen AKO, Resaland GK, Glosvik Ø, Lykkebø O, Stokke R, Andersen LB, Anderssen SA, Pfeiffer KA, Tomporowski PD, Størksen I, Bartholomew JB, Ommundsen Y, Howard SJ, Okely AD, Aadland KN. Active Learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) – design of a cluster randomized controlled trial of staff professional development to promote physical activity, motor skills, and cognition in preschoolers. Frontiers in Psychology 2020: 11:1382,

Blom EE, Aadland E, Skrove GK, Solbraa AK, Oldervoll L. Health-related quality of life and physical activity level after a behavior change program at Norwegian healthy life centers: a 15-month follow-up. Quality of Life Research 2020.  

Migueles JH, Cadenas-Sanches C, Esteban-Cornejo I, Torres-Lopez LV, Aadland E, Chastin S, Erickson KI, Catena A, Ortega FB. Associations of objectively-assessed physical activity and sedentary time with hippocampal grey matter volume in children with overweight/obesity. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020: 9:1080,  

​​​​​​​Aadland E, Nilsen AKO, Ylvisåker E, Johannessen K, Anderssen SA. Reproducibility of objectively measured physical activity: Reconsideration needed. Journal of Sports Sciences 2020,   

Nilsen AKO, Anderssen SA, Johannessen K, Aadland K, Loftesnes JM, Ylvisåker E, Aadland E. Bi-directional prospective associations between objectively measured physical activity and fundamental motor skills in children: a two-year follow-up. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2020: 17:1,  


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