Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

Tamsin Meaney er professor i matematikkutdanning. Hun har vært involvert i lærerutdanningsprogrammer og veilederte post-graduate studenter i New Zealand, Australia, Sverige og Norge. Hun er en svært produktiv matematikk utdanningsforsker med mer enn en 100 peer reviewed publikasjon. Hennes spesialiteter er i urfolksutdanning, tidlig barndomsutdanning og lærerutvikling. Hun har presentert keynotes i flere land rundt om i verden. I dag er hun forskningsleder for et stort forskningsråd finansiert prosjekt om "Læring om undervisningsargumentasjon for kritisk matematikkutdanning i flerspråklige klasserom" som vil løpe fra 2018-2021. Hun driver også et prosjekt som en del av Kindergarten Knowledge (Kindknow) - Senter for systemisk forskning om mangfold og bærekraftig fremtid.

Underviser i
  • MGBBNM550, Begynnaropplæring i norsk og matematikk 4 - Masteroppgåve, 24/25
  • MGBMA503, Matematikk 3, emne 3 - Matematikkdidaktikk i forskingsfeltet, 24/25
  • MGUMA503, Matematikk 3, emne 3 - Matematikkdidaktikk i forskingsfeltet, 24/25


  • Profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse med matematikk i barnehagen

    Elena Severina, Marianne Undheim, Francesca Granone, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Barnehagelærerstudentenes synspunkter om digitale verktøy for å støtte matematiske utforskninger

    Mona Karbaschi Vee, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • The influence of promts on children's number stories

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Introducing the role of being an advocate in mathematics teacher education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2024)
  • Young students’ representations of mathematics in posing problems about fairness

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • etnomatematikk

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Norwegian and Swedish early childhood preservice teachers’ views on digital technologies for supporting mathematics explorations

    Mona Karbaschi Vee, Dorota Lembrér, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Children’s mathematical literacy as education for sustainable development

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Mathematical Modelling in Early Years of School

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2024)
  • Early childhood pre-service teachers’ preparation for using technology with children: a systematic literature review

    Sofia Papavlasopoulou, Marianne Undheim, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Sara Esmaeeli (2024)
  • "Shall we bullshit people?" Truth, lies and bullshit in argumentation that uses mathematics

    Eva Elise Tvedt, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Troels Lange (2024)
  • Possibilities for learning about mathematical argumentations using the language resources of multilingual preservice teachers

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2024)
  • What can children teach us? Researchers as learners

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • We are digital natives – preservice teachers’ professional mathematical identities

    Marianne Maugesten, Odd Tore Kaufmann, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • The complexity of task design for utilising the epistemic potential of multiple languages in developing pattern understandings

    Eugenia Ferrari, Silke Lekaus, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Mathematical and computational thinking in children’s problem solving with robots

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Elena Severina, Monica Gustavsen, Camilla Hoven, Sofie Larsen (2023)
  • Preservice and inservice teachers’ views on digital tools for diverse learners in mathematics education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Hilja Lisa Huru, Mona Kvivesen (2023)
  • Currachs and ethnomathematics

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Marie Ní Ríordáin (2023)
  • Conceptualising success in mathematics education: Three immigrant families discussing Saturday schooling of their children in Norway

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Sigve Ferstad, Tod L. Shockey (2023)
  • The field of mathematics education research and its boundaries

    David Wagner, Susanne Prediger, Michèle Artigue, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Gail Fitzsimons, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Young students’ representations of mathematics in posing problems about fairness Représentations des mathématiques par les jeunes élèves en posant des problèmes d'équité

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • The professional identities of prospective mathematics teachers who teach through programming

    Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • We are digital natives - preservice teachers' professional mathematical identities

    Marianne Maugesten, Odd Tore Kaufmann, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Design heuristic for generating conceptual learning opportunities through multiple languages – Exemplified for algebra

    Alexander Schüler-Meyer, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Ángela Uribe, Susanne Prediger (2023)
  • Special issue on mathematics in early childhood education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Elin Kirsti Lie Reikerås, Camilla Normann Justnes (2023)
  • Evaluating Minecraft as a mathematical language resource

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2023)
  • Regnefortellinger om rettferdighet og urettferdighet

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Vilde Tuene (2023)
  • Computational Thinking and Early Childhood Educators

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Doing teacher education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Tensions in mathematics teacher education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Lek med problemer

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • Developing an analytical tool for radical socially-just teacher educator action research about language diverse mathematics classrooms

    Georgia Kasari, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2023)
  • The complexity of preservice teachers doing an interdisciplinary statistics project

    Silke Lekaus, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tod Shockey (2022)
  • Kindergarten preservice teachers evaluating mathematical apps

    Mona Karbaschi Vee, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • I didn’t notice that there was mathematics in kindergarten: Polish parents’ views about Norwegian kindergartens

    Troels Lange, Dorota Lembrér, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Using digital tools in language diverse mathematics classrooms

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2022)
  • Views of pre-service teachers in Norway on the value of programming in teaching mathematical and pedagogical topics

    Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Possibilities for learning about mathematical argumentations using the language resources of multilingual preservice teachers

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Preservice teachers learning from teaching mathematics in multilingual classrooms

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Evaluating Minecraft as a mathematical language resource

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2022)
  • Ethnomathematics in Education: The Need for Cultural Symmetry

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick, Piata Allen (2022)
  • The cultural symmetry framework: a pedagogic approach developing mathematics activities in an Indigenous initial teacher education programme

    Tony Trinick, Piata Allen, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Using apps for sustaining young children’s mathematical languages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Issues with using Activity Theory to understand how master's students view their research skills as contributing to their future teaching

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Truth, lies and bullshit in critical mathematics education

    Eva Elise Tvedt, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange (2022)
  • Surveying preservice teachers’ understanding of aspects of mathematics teaching – a cluster analysis approach

    Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen, Rune Herheim, Ragnhild Hansen, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2022)
  • Panel: Local and global childhoods

    Torjer Andreas Olsen, Ylva Jannok Nutti, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Ol-Johán Sikku (2022)
  • Year 2 children posing and solving their own written problems.

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Issues with using Activity Theory to understand how Master students view their research skills as contributing to their future teaching

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange (2022)
  • Mathematical and computational thinking in children’s problem solving with robots

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Elena Severina, Monica Gustavsen, Anny-Mari Holm, Camilla Skauge Hoven, Sofie Bergitte Larsen (2022)
  • Views of Pre-service teachers in Norway on the value of programming in teaching mathematical and pedagogical topics

    Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Gestures, systemic functional linguistics and mathematics education

    Danyal Farsani, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Using digital tools in language diverse mathematics classrooms

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Preservice teachers’ views on programming as part of their professional identity as mathematics teachers

    Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Issues with using Activity Theory to understand how Master students view their research skills as contributing to their future teaching.

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2022)
  • Writing reviews: perspectives from the editors of Educational Studies in Mathematics

    Vilma Mesa, Arthur Bakker, Hamsa Venkat, David Wagner, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Gail FitzSimons (2021)
  • “My parents are pretty pleased with my maths”: students’ navigation of identity stories about mathematics

    Naomi Ingram, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • “I think it’s a smash hit”: Adding an audience to a critical mathematics education project

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2021)
  • Paulus Gerdes – reflections of Alan Bishop and Marit Johnsen-Høines in conversation with Tamsin Meaney

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Surveying mathematics preservice teachers

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange, Ragnhild Hansen, Rune Herheim, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen (2021)
  • Surveying preservice teachers’ understanding of aspects of mathematics teaching – a cluster analysis approach

    Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen, Rune Herheim, Ragnhild Hansen, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2021)
  • Regnefortellinger

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Barn på 2. trinn lager og løser sine egne skriftlige problemer

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Unfettering discussions about social justice: the role of conversational prompts in discussions about mathematics education for Indigenous students

    Tamsin Meaney, Anne Birgitte Fyhn, S.R.W. Graham (2021)
  • They saw and dared to call things mathematics: Facilitators' views on an online mathematics professional development module.

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Evaluating numeracy apps in different cultural contexts

    Aleksander Veraksa, Carme Balaguer, Silje Fyllingsnes Christiansen, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • “I am part of the group, the others listen to me”: theorising productive listening in mathematical group work

    Marie Sjöblom, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Milieus of learning in a Norwegian mathematics textbook.

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Milieus of learning in a Norwegian mathematics textbook

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • Surveying mathematics preservice teachers

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange, Ragnhild Hansen, Rune Herheim, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen (2021)
  • Surveying preservice teachers’ understanding of aspects of mathematics teaching – a cluster analysis approach

    Nils Henry Williams Rasmussen, Rune Herheim, Ragnhild Hansen, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2021)
  • Preservice teachers learning from teaching mathematics in multilingual classrooms

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2021)
  • What can we do against racism in mathematics education research?

    David Wagner, Arthur Bakker, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Vilma Mesa, Susanne Prediger, Wim Van Dooren (2020)
  • Using apps for sustaining young children’s mathematical languages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • The influence of digital technologies on the relationship between mathematics and culture

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tod Shockey (2020)
  • Cultural meetings? Curricula, Digital Apps and Mathematics Education

    Silje Fyllingsnes Christiansen, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Multilingual preservice teachers evaluating mathematical argumentation: Realised and potential learning opportunities

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2020)
  • Using problem posing to bring real-life into the mathematics classroom: can it be too real?

    Trude Fosse, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Å formulere og løse problemer i barnehagen

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Evaluering av matematiske digitale spill: Hva barnehagestudentlærere merker

    Mona Karbaschi Vee, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Multilingual preservice teachers evaluating mathematical argumentation: Realised and potential learning opportunities.

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2020)
  • They saw and dared to call things mathematics: Facilitators’ views on an online mathematical professional development module.

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Evaluating numeracy apps in different cultural contexts

    Aleksander Veraksa, Carme Balaguer, Silje Fyllingsnes Christiansen, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Using apps for sustaining young children’s mathematical languages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Indigenous students in mathematics education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick (2020)
  • Ethnomathematics and Indigenous teacher education: Waka migrations

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • Matematikdidaktik i förskolan

    Ola Helenius, Maria L. Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2020)
  • Kindergarten Teachers’ Stories About Young Children’s Problem Posing and Problem Solving

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • The Semiotic Resources Children Use in Their Explanations of Hypothetical Situations

    Elena Severina, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2020)
  • The role of language in ethnomathematics

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall, Tony Trinick (2019)
  • The relationship between language, culture, and ethnomathematics

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2019)
  • Statistical Enquiry and Cultural Knowledge: Ocean Settlement Voyages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2019)
  • What the mathematics in the puzzles and handicrafts in 1920s Danish children’s magazines tells about childhoods

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)
  • Preservice teachers learning from teaching mathematics in multilingual classroooms

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)
  • Digitale verktøy er bra for tilpasset opplæring (men kanskje ikke så bra for å lære matematikk)

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Bodil Stakkestad Kristensen, Odd Tore Kaufmann, Marianne Maugesten, Hilja Lisa Huru, Mona Kvivesen (2019)
  • Multilingual mathematics: Using digital games to develop children´s mathematical languages

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)
  • Prinsipper som bør legges til grunn for etablering av forskningsgrupper

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2019)
  • Discussing Mathematics Teacher Education for Language Diversity

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2019)
  • Supporting Language Diversity In Mathematics Teacher Education: A Framework

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2019)
  • Learning about Teaching Argumentation for Critical Mathematics Education in Multilingual Classrooms: An Introduction

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • When does a difference make a difference? Teaching about language diversity in mathematics teacher education.

    Andrea Synnøve Blomsø Eikset, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Talking about mathematics in two languages: Can parental views inform the development of digital games for young children?

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Language diversity in mathematics education in the Nordic countries 2008-2018

    Tamsin Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2018)
  • Språklig mangfold i matematikkundervisning i de nordiske landa fra 2008-2018

    Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Differential Enhancement in Mathematical Pre-School Class Activities

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2018)
  • The semiotic resources childnre use in their explanations of hypithetical situations

    Elena Severina, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Kindergarten teachers' views on problem solving and the mathematical activities of young children

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Developing mathematics education understandings from Kakadu to early childhood: The art of mentoring

    Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Minecraft in mathematics classrooms: A teacher´s perspective

    Tamsin Meaney, Ruzica Pajic (2018)
  • Ethnomathematics and Indigenous teacher education: Canoe Migrations

    Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Unframing mathematics: Effecting social justice

    Tamsin Meaney, Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Shana Graham (2018)
  • The ethnomathematics of childhood: Puzzles and handicrafts in 1920s Danish children´s magazines

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Mathematics as the Trojan horse in Norwegian early childhood policy?

    Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Magni Elen Hope Lossius, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Indigenous students and mathematics education

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick (2018)
  • Preservice teachers recognising and responding to young children’s engagement with mathematics

    Dorota Lembrér, Suela Kacerja, Tamsin Meaney (2018)
  • Young children´s engagement with mathematics: Expanding teacher educators´ views

    Inge Olav Hauge, Suela Kacerja, Troels Lange, Johan Lie, Tamsin Meaney, Elena Severina (2018)
  • Policy Production Through the Media: The Case of More Mathematics in Early Childhood Education

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2018)
  • Mathematics Curricula: Issues of Access and Quality

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2018)
  • Language choice and ethnomathematics in the Pacific: Transforming education?

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2017)
  • Statistical enquiry and cultural knowledge: Ocean settlement voyages

    Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • Introduction to the papers of TWG10: Diversity and mathematics education: Social, cultural and political challenges

    Lisa Bjørklund Boistrup, Nina Bohlmann, Javier Díez-Palomar, David Kollosche, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • Supporting young children’s mathematical register learning in two languages: ICT possibilities

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • How Sámi teachers development of a teaching unit influences their self-determination

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Kristine Nystad, Ylva Jannok Nutti (2017)
  • (Wanting to do) Ethical research in a shifting context

    Andrea Synnøve Blomsø Eikset, Trude Fosse, Troels Lange, Johan Lie, Magni Elen Hope Lossius, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • Indigenous Teacher Education: When Cultural Enquiry Meets Statistical Enquiry

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • To Gain Knowledge of How to be Challenging: Preschool Mathematics Professional Development

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2017)
  • Language Choice and Ethnomathematics in the Pacific: Transforming Education?

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2017)
  • Cultural and Mathematical Symmetry in Māori Meeting Houses (Wharenui)

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2017)
  • Teacher Narratives about Supporting Children to Read and Write in Mathematics: The Case of Kay

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • Highlighting Heritages and Building Tasks: A Critical Analysis of Mathematics Classroom Discourse Literature

    Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Jessica Pierson Bishop, Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim (2017)
  • Computer Programming in the Lower Secondary Classroom: Mathematics Learning

    Johan Lie, Inge Olav Hauge, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2017)
  • How Sámi teachers’ development of a teaching unit influences their self-determination

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Kristine Nystad, Ylva Jannok Nutti (2017)
  • Book Review: How research fields change — the documentation of a process. Anjum Halai and PhilipClarkson (Eds.) (2016) Teaching and learning mathematicsin multilingual classrooms

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2017)
  • When does a difference make a difference? Teaching about language diversity in mathematics teacher education

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Andrea Synnøve Blomsø Eikset (2017)
  • Bodies balancing: Young children learning

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Measuring temperature within the didaktic space of preschool

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Locating learning of toddlers in the individual/society and mind/body divides

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Locating learning of toddlers in the individual/society and mind/body divides

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • The relationship between language, culture and ethnomathematics

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2016)
  • The mythologising of preschool mathematics: what is it supposed to do?

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Using Gee’s Building Tasks to Analyse Research on Mathematics Classroom Discourse: Trodden Paths and Lessons Learned

    Jessica Bishop, Heyd-Metzuyanim Einat, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann (2016)
  • The production of “common sense” in the Media about more mathematics in early childhood education

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Mathematics curricula: Issues of Access and Quality

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Cultural and Mathematical Symmetry in Māori meeting Houses (Wharenui)

    Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Teacher educators´ Views of young children’s mathematics: The impact of different roles

    Inge Olav Hauge, Suela Kacerja, Troels Lange, Johan Lie, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Elena Severina (2016)
  • Preservice teachers responding and recognising to young children´s engagement with mathematics

    Dorota Lembrer, Suela Kacerja, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Lytting i matematiske samtaler mellom elever på videregående skole

    Marie Sjöblom, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Matematikdidaktik i førskolan

    Ola Helenius, Johansson Maria, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Distribution, recognition and representation: Mathematics education and Indigenous students

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Cris Edmonds-Wathen, Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington, Tony Trinick (2016)
  • Professional development facilitators: Reflecting on our practice

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Power in preschools: How to support teachers in the unpacking process.

    Dorota Lembrer, Maria C. Johansson, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • What maths do children engage with in Swedish preschools?

    Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Preschool children learning mathematical thinking on interactive tables

    Dorota Lembrer, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • When Is Young Children’s Play Mathematical?

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Introduction

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Mathematics Education in the Early Years - Results from the POEM2 Conference, 2014

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Anna Wernberg (2016)
  • Children's agency in learning mathematics

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2016)
  • Reintroducing Māori ethnomathematical activities into the classroom: Traditional Māori spatial orientation concepts

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2015)
  • Rethinking teachers' learning as practice

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Paola Valero (2015)
  • Beginning early: Mathematical exclusion

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Mathematical exclusion with the every day

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Teacher reflection when supporting children to read and write in mathematics: The case of Kay

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2015)
  • The production of “common sense” in the media about more mathematics in early childhood education

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2015)
  • «The why, what, when, where and how of publishing»

    Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Troels Lange (2015)
  • Multikulturalitet og lærerutdanning i matematikk: Opplegg til seksjonsseminar 7-8 mai 2015

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney (2015)
  • Have you only played today?

    Ola Helenius, Maria C Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Suela Kacerja (2015)
  • Preschool teachers' perceptions of the role of videos in professional development

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Jillian Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Socioeconomic influence on mathematics achievement: What is visible and what is neglected?

    Paola Valero, Melody Graven, Murat Jurak, Danny Martin, Tamsin Meaney, Miriam Penteado (2015)
  • Analysing instrumental and pedagogic situations in preschools using the didaktic space

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Theorising the design of professional development web modules

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Preschool teachers' awareness of mathematics

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Locating learning of toddlers in the individual/society and mind/body divides

    Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • Mathematics education at the preschool level

    Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • Finding the way: Cultural revival through mathematics education

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2015)
  • Beginning early: Mathematical exclusion.

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Anna Wernberg (2015)
  • Power in preschools: How to support teachers in the unpacking process

    Dorota Lembrer, Maria C Johansson, Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • It’s not just a matter of pink blocks: The provenance of learning resources

    Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • Being and becoming as socialisation in a mathematical activity in preschool

    Dorota Lembrer, Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • E Haere Ana Koe Ki Hea? Spatial thinking: Traditional Māori systems and language of spatial orientation

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2015)
  • “I am [not always] a maths hater”: Shifting students’ identity narratives in context

    Annica Andersson, Paola Valero, Tamsin Meaney (2015)
  • Development of Mathematics Teaching: Design, Scale, Effects. Proceedings from MADIF9: The Ninth Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar, Umeå, February 4-5, 2014

    Ola Helenius, Arne Engström, Tamsin Meaney, Per Nilsson, Eva Norén, Judy Sayers (2015)
  • Preschool teachers' awareness of mathematics

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Bishop's 6 activities: Changing preschool teachers' mathematical awareness

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Analysing instrumental and pedagogic situations in preschools using the didaktic space

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Educational myths about mathematics education and what they are doing to young children

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • When is preschool children's play mathematical?

    Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)

    Dorota Lembrer, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • The mythologising of preschool mathematics: what is it suppose to do?

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • It’s not just a matter of pink blocks: The provenance of mathematical learning

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • Indigenous students and mathematics education

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick (2014)
  • Mathematical teaching moments : between instruction and construction

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Rousing mathematics classrooms out of the ice-age

    Vicki Hand, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • It’s just as well kids don’t vote: The positioning of children through public discourse around national testing

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • Back to the future? Children living in poverty, early childhood centres and mathematics education

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • The contextual influences on teachers learning the registers for teaching and learning mathematics in another language

    Tony Trinick, Tamsin Meaney, Uenuku Fairhall (2014)
  • Young children’s multimodal mathematical explanations

    Maria Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2014)
  • Socialisation tensions in the Swedish preschool curriculum: The case of mathematics

    Dorota Lembrer, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • Immigrant students’ perceptions of their possibilities to learn: The case of homework

    Petra Svensson, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Norén (2014)
  • When do I get to say we?

    Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • Trends in researching the socioeconomic influences on mathematical achievement

    Paola Valero, Tamsin Meaney (2014)
  • The privileging of English in mathematics education research, just a necessary evil?

    Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Yngre barns förståelse av mätning

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Matematiklyftet: Modul för förskoleklass

    Tamsin Meaney, Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2013)
  • Matematiklyftet: Modul for förskola

    Tamsin Meaney, Ola Helenius, Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2013)
  • iPads and mathematical play: A new kind of sandpit for young children

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Learners in Transition Between Contexts

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • One size does not fit all: Achieving equity in Māori mathematics classrooms

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2013)
  • Upsetting the norms of teacher education

    Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Mathematics curriculum development and Indigenous language revitalisation: Contested spaces

    Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington, Tony Trinick, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Professional development facilitators: Reflecting on our practice

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2013)
  • Socioeconomic influence on mathematics achievement: What is visible and what is neglected?

    Paola Valero, Melody Graven, Murat Jurak, Danny Martin, Tamsin Meaney, Miriam Penteado (2012)
  • How one preschool teacher recognises mathematical teaching moments

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2012)
  • Yngre barns föreställningar om rum

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2012)
  • Yngre barns förståelse av mätning

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2012)
  • What maths do children learn in Swedish preschools?

    Maria L Johansson, Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2012)
  • The tail wagging the dog? The effect of national testing on teachers' agency

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2012)
  • Swedish preschools, play and the learning of mathematics

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney, Eva Riesbeck, Anna Wernberg (2012)
  • Digital technologies and developing mathematical understandings

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2012)
  • Indigenous students and the learning of mathematics

    Tamsin Meaney, Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington, Tony Trinick (2012)
  • Collaborating to meet language challenges in Indigenous mathematics classrooms

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2012)
  • What is the responsibility of mathematics education to the Indigenous students that it serves?

    Tamsin Meaney, Deb Evans (2012)
  • Knowing mathematics to be a teacher

    Tamsin Meaney, Troels Lange (2012)
  • Preservice teachers learning mathematics from the internet

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Professional development facilitators reflecting on our practice

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Preservice teachers learning mathematics from the internet

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Becoming disadvantaged: Public discourse around national testing.

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • I actually started to scream: Emotional and mathematical trauma from doing school mathematics homework

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Only two more sleeps until the school holidays: One child’s home experiences of measurement.

    Tamsin Meaney (2011)
  • Preservice students' responses to being tested on their primary school mathematical knowledge

    Tamsin Meaney, Troels Lange (2010)
  • A means to an end: The relationship between interactive whiteboards and developing mathematical understandings.

    Tamsin Meaney, Troels Lange (2010)
  • Preservice students' responses to being tested on their primary school mathematical knowledge

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • Structured or structuring: Setting up a professional development project

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • Children's perspectives on mathematics homework

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • Only two more sleeps until the school holidays: Referring to quantities of things at home

    Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • If a quarter crashes, so it dies: Children's meaning making in mathematics lessons

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • Critical travel through mathematics education

    Tamsin Meaney (2010)
  • I actually started to scream: Doing school mathematics homework

    Troels Lange, Tamsin Meaney (2009)
  • The conference was awesome: Social justice and a mathematics teacher conference

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2009)
  • Learning how to represent mathematics on paper

    Tamsin Meaney, Tony Trinick, Uenuku Fairhall (2009)
  • Mathematics education and Indigenous students

    Tamsin Meaney, Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington, Tony Trinick (2008)
  • School mathematical discourse in a learning landscape: Understanding mathematics education in multicultural settings

    Paola Valero, Tamsin Meaney, Helle Alrø, Uenuku Fairhall, Tony Trinick, Ola Skovsmose (2008)
  • Authority relations in the acquisition of the mathematics register at home and at school

    Tamsin Meaney (2007)
  • Weighing up the influence of context on judgements of mathematical literacy

    Tamsin Meaney (2007)
  • Really that’s probably about roughly what goes down: Hesitancies and uncertainties in mathematics assessment interactions

    Tamsin Meaney (2006)
  • Mathematics as text

    Tamsin Meaney (2005)
  • What’s power got to do with it?

    Tamsin Meaney (2004)
  • Symbiosis or cultural clash? Indigenous students learning mathematics

    Tamsin Meaney (2002)
  • An Indigenous community doing mathematics curriculum development

    Tamsin Meaney (2001)