Contact information

Do you want to study at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences? Please see our admission information or contact our admission office.

Postal address: Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Postbox 7030, 5020 Bergen, Norway

Opening hours

Service and Information Centre: Mondays to Fridays 08.00–15.30. 
(From 15 May to 14 September: 08.00–15.00)

All campuses are open to the public Mondays to Fridays at 07.45–17.00. Library, reading rooms and group rooms are available.

Students also have access to campus buildings with student ID cards Mondays to Sundays at 07.00–23.00 at all campuses. Employees have access Mondays to Sundays at 06.00–23.00 at all campuses.

Billing address

Our electronic billing address is 0192:917641404. This address supports the PEPPOL BIS standard and must be used.

If the supplier is not able to send the invoice electronically, the invoice can be sent through our Invoice Registration Form.

Detailed invoicing information for suppliers.

Organization number: 917641404

Participant Identification Code; PIC-number: 916768923

Erasmus code: N BERGEN14

Banking information

  • IBAN: NO6276940517652

Visiting addresses

  • Bergen: Inndalsveien 28, 5063 Bergen
    • Diver Education: Skålevikveien 60, 5178 Loddefjord
  • Førde: Svanehaugvegen 1, 6812 Førde
  • Haugesund: Bjørnsonsgate 45, 5528 Haugesund
  • Sogndal: Røyrgata 6, 6856 Sogndal
  • Stord: Klingenbergvegen 4, 5414 Stord