Field of work

I am a geographer and I'm very interested in how we use and manage our surroundings.

In my work as associate professor at Department of environmental sciences, I teach planning related subjects at the MSc programme Climate change management and the BSc programmes Landscape planning with landscape architectureRenewable energy and Geology og geohazards.

I want to inspire students and others to become engaged in what happens around us at the places where we live and spend our time, and that we all shape our surroundings in different ways. Places are shaped through interaction between people and environment; landscapes influence us, and we influence landscapes. I hope that our students will be inspired to search for good solutions both and local and global scale. 


My primary research interest is how different kinds of knowledge is used in public planning and management for a sustainable future. I completed my ph.d. in landscape geography at NTNU in 2015, focussing on implementation of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in Norway and Denmark, with particular interest in landscape practices and perspectives on democracy, power and values.


Ongoing research projects:

  • FIELD OF GOALS: Co-producing methods for integration of UNSDGs in regional and local planning.
  • REPEAT: Rethinking sustainable land use of peatlands


I have previously worked as a planner in Gjerdrum municipality, carrying responsibilities in municipal planning and cooperation and dialogue with the local community. I started my carreer as a researcher in sustainable tourism and business and societal development related to large protected areas, at Western Norway Research Institute.



Courses taught
  • PL4-304 Climate adaptation in spatial planning (course responsible, M.Sc)
  • PL471 Kulturminneforvaltning (course responsible, B.Sc)
  • PL413 Miljø- og forvaltningsrett (B.Sc)
  • PL416 Landskapsanalyse (B.Sc)
  • PL417 Arealplanlegging (B.Sc)
  • PL418 Reguleringsplanlegging (B.Sc)
  • PL433 Innføring i arealplanlegging (B.Sc)
Research areas
  • Planning for sustainable development
  • Co-production and integration of knowledge in public planning and management
  • Sustainable urbanisation
  • Public participation and democracy
  • Spatial planning
Research groups