The methodology of place – in between local tradition and the development of place in kindergartens for the future

KINDknow research area 7

The main objective of KINDknow research area 7 is to develop a place related methodology together with children and staff in kindergarten; in order to linking sustainable issues to children’s everyday practices in the environment, they are situated. This includes cultural heritage, Sami local tradition, nature, memory, materiality, time, weather conditions and outdoor locations. 

The purpose is to investigate the impact of place, in order to understand human-environment relations that also involve more-than-human actors.  

Cooperation  partners

Universitetsbarnehagene, Tromsø

Abigail Hackett, Manchester MET

Midt-Troms Museum/Barnemuseum 

Arbeidspakke 3: Sustainable languages practices in Norwegian Kindergartens 


Naming the World is a collective of researchers from Australia, UK and Finland working together to think about early childhood literacy and sustainability learning.  

Currently we are developing a new collaborative project in which researchers, families and educators from across our places will consider the future of early childhood literacies, in the context of increasing environmental precarity.


Host of IRECE 2021 



Myrstad, A. (2021). Samiske perspektiver i en barnehages hverdagsliv. I: Horringmo og Rosland (red), Fagdidaktikk for SRLE. Oslo: Cappelen Damm akademisk.

Crisostomo, Anita T.; Reinertsen, Anne B. 2021. "Becoming Child and Sustainability—The Kindergarten Teacher as Agency Mobiliser for Sustainability Through Keeping the Concept of the Child in Play" Sustainability 13, no. 10: 5588. DOI:

Myrstad, A. Hackett, A & Bartnæs, P. (2020) Lines in the snow; minor paths in the search for early childhood education for planetary wellbeing , Global Studies of Childhood

Sanderud, J. (2020)Mutual experiences: understanding children’s play in nature through sensory ethnography,Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning,20:2,111122,DOI: 10.1080/14729679.2018.1557058 

Karlsen, B. & Dardanou, M. (2020). Å samles og formes i uteområdet, I A. Eriksen og B. Isaksen (Red.) Kunsten å samles. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 

Dardanou, M. (2019) From foot to pencil, from pencil to finger: Children as digital wayfarers. Global Studies of Childhood9 (4). ISSN 2043-6106.s 348  359 

Sanderud J., Gurholt K & Moe VF (2019) ‘Winter children’: an ethnographically inspired study of children being-and-becoming well-versed in snow and ice. Sport, Education and Society 

Boldermo, Sidsel (2019). Practicing Belonging in Kindergarten: Children’s use of Places and Artefacts. Palgrave Macmillan 2019 ISBN 978-3-030-16866-7.s 61 - 79. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-16866-7_4 

Myrstad, A., & Sverdrup. (2019). De yngste barna som vegfarere i barnehagen. Tidsskrift for Nordisk barnehageforskning18 

Boldermo, Sidsel; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen. What about the migrant children? The state-of-the-art in research claiming social sustainability. Sustainability 2019; Volum 11:459 (2). ISSN 2071-1050.s 1 - 13.s doi: 10.3390/su11020459.

Myrstad, A. (2018).  Relasjoner i omgivelsene - vilkår for barns oppnåelse av agentskap. Barnehagefolk 2018 (1500-6905) Vol. (4), s. 74-77.