Innvekslingsstudent - FHS - Bergen
Study plan 2023 spring, 30 credits
Programme outline | Requirements |
Total requirements: | 30 |
Optional courses To the top
- ERG220 Enabling Occupation
- ERGP2 Ergoterapiprosessen og klinisk resonnering- praksis
- FHSU312 Health Promotion and Preventive work
- FHSUE300 The Norwegian Health Care System in an International Perspective
- FHSUF300 The Norwegian Health Care System in an International Perspective
- FHSUR300 The Norwegian Health Care System in an International Perspective
- FYS220 Physiotheraphy in Health Promotion and Preventive work
- FYSP2 Klinisk praksis - fordypning og selvstendighet
- MAFYS532 Fysioterapi ved langvarige muskelskjelettplager
- MAMET1H Vitenskapsteori, etikk og metode
- MARE530 Leadership in Rehabilitation
- RAD320 Professional and Behavioural Aspects of Patient Care in Radiography
- RADP5 Clinical practice - Advanced patient care
- SABV260 Socio-cultural diversity and inequalities in social work
- SABV270 Community Work from an International Perspective
- SYKB320P Praksisstudie, Sjukepleie ved komplekse og samansette pasienttilstandar og sjukdomsbilete i kommunehelsetenesta
- SYKI107 Nursing in Complex Patient Conditions and Disease Assessment in the Municipal Health Service in Home Based Care with a M
- U5NOR13 Norsk for utenlandske studenter. Begynnerkurs