Active and green pedagogies through OUTdoor LEARNing

Create inclusive schools to allow the equal learning of children having into account multiple intelligences. This is the general objective of the project that can be obtained by implementing active and green pedagogies.

Project Period:01.12.202121.01.2023

Project ID number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000034503 

Project Website: 

Main results and impact  

Within this project there are two project results (PR). The first one start for teachers to understand how to implement outdoor learning through active and green pedagogies, with an emphasis on the emotional support of children. This PR1 is published in the form of an e-book, to allow the access for the teachers interested in learning more about active and green pedagogies. The PR2 include real didactic units created by the schools participating in the project. 

Target Groups 

Teachers and school administrators in primary and scondary education interested active and green pedagogies in outdoor learning in primary conventional schools,

focusing on children's needs and emotions and offering children the option for practicing different intelligences.

Project partners and participating countries

  • Fundación De La Comunitat Valenciana Para Una Economía Baja En Carbón, Spain (Project coordinator)

  • Lorenzo Filippi, Italy

  • Vsl Lauko Darzelis, Lithuania

  • Clap Education Activa SL, Spain

  • Hogskolen på Vestlandet, Norway

  • Ceip Eleuterio Pérez, Spain

  • IC Fregene Passoscuro, Italia


Assistant Professor
Department of Sport, Food and Natural Sciences