Field of work
Evidence-based practice
Courses taught
Evidence-based practice
Research areas
Evidence-based practice, clinical guideline processes, global health, health systems, systematic reviews, qualitative evidence syntheses, GRADE-CERQual, Cochrane. ORCID-profile.
Research groups
Implementation science and method development
- MAKP601, Master's thesis, Spring 2025
Research groups
Factors that influence recruitment to COVID-19 vaccine trials: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Kan fagfeller bli bedre med opplæring?
Renforcement durable des capacités à adopter, adapter ou élaborer des lignes directrices sur la santé infantile en Afrique du Sud, au Malawi et au Nigeria
Healthcare workers’ informal uses of mobile phones and other mobile devices to support their work: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Evaluating the impact of the global evidence, local adaptation (GELA) project for enhancing evidence-informed guideline recommendations for newborn and young child health in three African countries: a mixed-methods protocol