Field of work

Associate Professor in Mathematics Education

Courses taught

Mathematics education

Research areas

Research interests include critical mathematics education and how complex and socially relevant issues can be linked to mathematics teaching to promote critical citizenship. Also researches programming in school and how students' ethical reflections are relevant for their lived democracy. Furthermore, argumentation and critical mathematics education in multilingual classrooms, related to topics such as mathematical modelling and ICT, are of research interest.

Research groups

Lived Democracy


Courses taught
  • MDIP501G, Mathematics and Science Education in the Field of Practice, 24/25, subject responsible
  • MDIP502G, Mathematics and science as general education subjects, 24/25, subject responsible
  • MGBBNM550, Norwegian and mathematics in the early years of school 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
  • MGBMA502, Mathematics 3, module 2 - Science theory and method, 24/25
  • MGBMA550, Mathematics 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
  • MGUMA502, Mathematics 3, module 2 - Science theory and method, 24/25
  • MGUMA550, Mathematics 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
  • MPUV505, Educational research in practice, 24/25
  • PHD908, Critical mathematics education: teaching and research, 24/25


  • Slik bruker jeg KI - kunstig intelligens i min stilling!

    Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • KI - kunstig intilligens ... fra ståsted som forsker og lærerutdanner i mateatmikk

    Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • Myr er våt, stygg, og brun! Eller?

    Lisa Steffensen, Inger Elin Lilland, Shengtian Zhou, Inger Auestad (2024)
  • Åpne opp for kreativ problemløsing!

    Renate Jensen, Morten Munthe, Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • "Problem Posing" – Hvordan kan vi få elever til å formulere egne problemløsningsoppgaver?

    Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • Rent vann – i et nord-sør perspektiv

    Lisa Steffensen, Suela Kacerja, Inger Elin Lilland (2024)
  • Med kritisk blikk: Mikroplast i skolegården

    Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • Mathematical toolkit design north-south: Presenting an initial framework

    Suela Kacerja, Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Rune Herheim, Cyril Martin Julie, Caylin M. King (2024)
  • Democratic Practices as Part of Mathematical Modeling in Schools

    Lisa Steffensen, Inger Elin Lilland, Shengtian Zhou (2024)
  • The 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education

    Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • Presentasjon av "Designing modelling tasks about environmental sustainability"

    Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • Modellering av CO2-utslipp

    Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • Layers of Ethical Awareness: Mathematics Teachers’ Concerns on Including Socio-political Issues

    Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Suela Kacerja, Inger Elin Lilland, Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • Developing Responsible Citizenship Through Integrated STEM Education Activities

    Lisa Steffensen (2024)
  • Discourse structures when modelling a dream bag of candies

    Shengtian Zhou, Lisa Steffensen, Ragnhild Hansen (2024)
  • Myr - et tverrfaglig prosjekt i matematikk og naturfag ... en del av RePeat

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • Perspectives from critical mathematics education – and integrated STEM-approaches

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • Modelling - Mathematics for school and society

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • Matematikkfaget, etisk bevissthet og myndiggjøring av elever som kritiske borgere

    Inger Elin Lilland, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Lisa Steffensen, Suela Kacerja (2023)
  • Modellering av samfunnsaktuelle og kontroversielle tema

    Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Inger Elin Lilland (2023)

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • Modellering - Matematikk for skole og samfunn

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • The development of narratives related to a graph during a mathematics lesson

    Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Trude Fosse, Kjersti Maria Rongen Breivega, Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • «Det er på tide!»

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • Etisk tenkning og programmering

    Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Rune Herheim (2023)
  • Ethical awareness, critical thinking and empowerment in mathematics education for critical citizenship: How can mathematics education play a role in facilitating critical thinking, ethical awareness, and empowering students in projects about critical citizenship

    Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Inger Elin Lilland, Lisa Steffensen, Suela Kacerja (2023)
  • Sustainability and mathematical modelling in 5th grade: How PTs bring awareness to environmental issues while learning mathematical modelling to their 5th-grade students

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • Integrating Societal Issues with Mathematical Modelling in Pre-Service Teacher Education

    Lisa Steffensen, Georgia Kasari (2023)
  • Matematikkfaget, etisk bevissthet og myndiggjøring av elever som kritiske samfunnsborgere

    Inger Elin Lilland, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Lisa Steffensen, Suela Kacerja (2023)
  • How can mathematic teacher educators support pre-service teachers to engage their students in environmental sustainability issues through mathematical modelling?

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • Medborgerskap, demokrati og kritisk bevissthet - fra et matematikkdidaktisk perspektiv

    Lisa Steffensen (2023)
  • “Forced to flee”—mathematical modelling and problem-posing in 7th grade

    Lisa Steffensen, Georgia Kasari (2023)
  • Wicked problems and critical judgment in school mathematics

    Lisa Steffensen, Rune Herheim, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2022)
  • 5th graders’ democratic practices when negotiating “The candy bag of dreams”

    Lisa Steffensen, Inger Elin Lilland, Shengtian Zhou (2022)
  • Students’ discussions of cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Jakob Graave Nakling (2022)
  • Matematikkfaget, etisk bevissthet og myndiggjøring av elever som kritiske medborgere.

    Inger Elin Lilland, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Lisa Steffensen, Suela Kacerja (2022)
  • Discourse structures when modelling a dream bag of candies

    Shengtian Zhou, Lisa Steffensen, Ragnhild Hansen (2022)
  • “Forced to flee”—mathematical modelling and problem-posing in primary school

    Lisa Steffensen, Georgia Kasari (2022)
  • Using inquiry-based dialogues to explore controversial climate change issues with secondary students: An example from Norway

    Lisa Steffensen, Marit Johnsen-Høines, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge (2022)
  • “Forced to flee”—mathematical modelling in primary school

    Lisa Steffensen, Georgia Kasari (2022)
  • Climate change & sustainability issues in Norwegian mathematics classroom

    Lisa Steffensen (2022)
  • The process of writing «the kappe»

    Lisa Steffensen (2022)
  • Experiences as a PHD-candidate in Studies of Bildung and pedagogical practices Lisa Steffensen, HVL

    Lisa Steffensen (2022)
  • Using inquiry-based dialogues on climate change issues to support students’ engagement

    Lisa Steffensen, Marit Johnsen-Høines, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge (2022)
  • "På flukt" – mathematical modelling in primary school - a work in process

    Lisa Steffensen, Georgia Kasari (2022)
  • Students’ discussions of cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Jakob Nakling (2022)
  • Potentials for critical reflections on climate change figures

    Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Peter Gøtze, Ragnhild Hansen, Lisa Steffensen (2022)
  • Students’ discussions of cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic - a work in progress

    Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Jakob Nakling (2021)
  • From the Present towards Hope for the Future

    Ulrika Ryan, Lisa Steffensen (2021)
  • Wicked problems i lærerutdanningene

    Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Marianne Presthus Heggen, Lisa Steffensen (2021)
  • Ethical thinking and programming

    Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Rune Herheim (2021)
  • Ethical thinking and programming

    Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Rune Herheim (2021)
  • Demokrati medborgerskap og modellering-om modellering i skolen.

    Lisa Steffensen, Inger Elin Lilland (2021)
  • The Mathematical Formatting of How Climate Change Is Perceived

    Lisa Steffensen, Rune Herheim, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2021)
  • Students discussing Climate Change

    Lisa Steffensen (2021)
  • Carbon Footprints Calculators and Climate Change

    Lisa Steffensen, Suela Kacerja (2021)
  • Critical mathematics education and mathematical modelling in a time of societal crises. Climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic

    Lisa Steffensen (2021)
  • Bærekraft ved lærerutdanningen i "Mobilizing SDG knowledge in Higher Education"

    Lisa Steffensen (2021)
  • Critical mathematics education and climate change A teaching and research partnership in lower-secondary school

    Lisa Steffensen (2021)
  • Climate Change and Students’ Critical Competencies: A Norwegian Study

    Lisa Steffensen (2020)
  • Teaching about issues of climate change in mathematics classrooms: Empowerment of critical citizenship.

    Yasmine Abtahi, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Lisa Steffensen, Richard Barwell (2019)
  • Climate change and road tolls ... in the mathematics classroom

    Lisa Steffensen (2019)
  • Carbon footprint calculators and Climate Change

    Lisa Steffensen, Suela Kacerja (2019)
  • Kritisk matematikk undervisning og klimaendringer: Hvordan kan matematikkundervisning om klimaendringer bidra til å utvikle studenters kritiske demokratisk kompetanse?

    Lisa Steffensen (2019)
  • Critical Mathematics Education and Climate Change: How can mathematic education contribute to develop students’ critical competencies by working with climate change?

    Lisa Steffensen (2019)
  • Klimaendring i matematikkundervisning - lærerperspektiver

    Lisa Steffensen, Ragnhild Hansen (2019)
  • Climate change controversies in the mathematics classroom

    Lisa Steffensen, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2019)
  • Wicked problems in school mathematics

    Lisa Steffensen, Rune Herheim, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2018)
  • Wicked problems in school mathematics

    Lisa Steffensen, Rune Herheim, Toril Eskeland Rangnes (2018)
  • Hvordan kan elever bli kritiske medborgere gjennom matematikkundervisning med fokus på klimaendringer?

    Lisa Steffensen (2018)
  • Critical Mathematics Education and Post-Normal Science: A literature overview

    Lisa Steffensen (2017)
  • Teaching climate change in mathematics classrooms: An ethical responsibility

    Yasmine Abtahi, Peter Gøtze, Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Richard Barwell (2017)

    Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Peter Gøtze, Ragnhild Hansen, Lisa Steffensen (2017)

    Lisa Steffensen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge, Ragnhild Hansen, Yasmine Abtahi, Richard Barwell (2016)

    Lisa Steffensen, Ragnhild Hansen, Kjellrun Hiis Hauge (2016)
  • Climate Change and Critical Mathematics Education

    Lisa Steffensen (2016)
  • Climate change and mathematics in classrooms

    Lisa Steffensen (2015)