
Oscar Tranvåg

Field of work

My name is Oscar Tranvåg. I am a mental health nurse, holding a position as professor in Caring Science at the Department of Health and Caring Sciences.

Key goals for caring science is developing knowledge about the care needs of people who experience illness, disabilities or ageing, and how these needs can be met through good health and care services. In my caring research, I work to develop new knowledge about the core of caring, and the basic prerequisites for caring – caring as a phenomenon. Furthermore, I explore the significance of caring for various vulnerable patient groups, the conditions of caring in the health and care services, and how the caring dimension can be safeguarded within the health and care services.

Central themes in my research are: caring for older people experiencing illness and suffering; caring for women living with women's diseases, and; dignity-preserving care, and I am using various qualitative approaches in my research.

I also hold the position as Editor-in-Chief in Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

Courses taught
  • Caring science
  • Dignity-preserving care
  • Qualitative research methods
Research areas
  • Caring for older people experiencing illness and suffering
  • Caring for women living with women's diseases
  • Dignity-preserving care
Research groups

Comparative Services Research (Sammenlignende Tjenesteforsk): a multi-disciplinary research group carrying out research on public welfare services from a comparative perspective.
