Framework for Online Radiographer Clinical Education

Project owner

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Project categories

Academic Development

Project period

March 2021 - February 2023

Project summary

Søknad til ERASMUS + om midler til å utarbeide digital læringsressurs ble godkjent 23.02.2021
Overordnet mål for prosjektet Framework for Online Radiographer Clinical Education (FORCE): Hentet fra søknaden: 
The overall aim of the FORCE project is to develop a virtual web-based learning resource where
Radiography undergraduates across Europe can engage in interactive, problem based
development of radiographic knowledge, ability and professional awareness.
1. Establishment of a web based virtual learning environment accessible initially across partner
organisations, and subsequently deliverable as an open resource.
2. Develop comprehensive patient stories to capture the personal and medical history of each.
3. Delivery of a variety of interactive tools through which students can negotiate the learning
material in the Virtual Learning environement VLE. In essence the VLE will present students with
a simulation of an imaging and/or therapy "department", with patients to be examined and problems to be solved.
Søkeorganisasjon er University College Dublin, Irland og partnerorganisasjoner er:
Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu oy, Finland
University of Suffolk, UK
FH-campus Wien, Østerrike
Universita ta Malta, Malta
Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu oy, Finland
Intitution politecnico do Porto, Portugal
Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Norge (Nina Dalen Seime, Gerda Aarhus, Eli Eikefjord og Mona
In simulation, real-life situations are created in a risk-free world where learning is coached to
respond appropriately to clinical situations (Issenberg and Scalese, 2008). Simulation is closely
related to characteristics of reflective practice involving cognitive processes with strong critical
elements, reviewing and reconstructing ideas with the aim to improve practice, aiming for selfdevelopment
and by having emotional involvement (Moon, 2013). The use of simulation-based
pedagogy will promote students’ learning and reflective practice through
engaging in real-life situations of the acutely ill patient, coached through the different levels of
cognitive processes of briefing, simulation and debriefing. Simulation is regarded as a highly
suitable strategy for learning radiography [ChChiu J., et al 2013, p.93]. These virtual resources
will contribute to develop students’ professional understanding and ability to act in accordance
with the patient’s needs and will transfer to a wider audience to promote holistic patientcentred
Søknaden er ikke en forsknings-søknad, men et utviklingsprosjekt innen digitale læringsressurser. Det er likevel ønskelig å benytte prosjektets resultater i mulige forskningsprosjekt der både studenter og de deltagende i prosjektet kan/ vil være delaktige; dvs Gerda Aarhus, Mona Vestbøstad, Eli Eikefhord og Nina Dalen Seime