Giorgia and colleagues publishes “Assessing Lexical and Syntactic Comprehension in Deaf Signing Adults”
In July 2023, Giorgia Zorzi and her colleagues published “Assessing Lexical and Syntactic Comprehension in Deaf Signing Adults” in the journal The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. This paper aims at presenting three comprehension assessment tests (two lexical and one syntactic) that offer a solid basis to build tools to assess language impairments in deaf signing adults. The article provides the material and guidelines, based on psychometric analyses of the items, to make these tests suitable for clinical assessment.
Zorzi, G., Aristodemo, V., Giustolisi, B., Hauser, C., Donati, C., and Cecchetto, C. (2023). Assessing Lexical and Syntactic Comprehension in Deaf Signing Adults. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, enad022,