4/10/22 - Vadim Kimmelmann (University of Bergen)
Title: Lexical variation in Russian Sign Language
adim Kimmelmann is a professor at University of Bergen.
Abstract: Sign languages like all natural languages show a large amount of variation at all levels. I will discuss the creation and analysis of a database of lexical variation in Russian Sign Language (RSL). The database contains more than 19 000 signs produced by more than 200 RSL signers from different regions of Russia. I will focus on how signs for specific concepts form complex networks of variants, blurring the boundary between lexical and phonological variation.
The seminar takes place at HVL and is offered in a hybrid format via Zoom. The talk will be from 12:00 to 13:00 and is preceded by our weekly sign lunch at HVL from 11:15 to 12:00. Languages: English, NTS.
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