Outdoor Education and Nordic Friluftsliv - Winter

Semester programme

Do you want to experience Nordic Friluftsliv skiing in a lot of snow in the winter, and kayaking in green fjords surrounded by snow-covered mountains and apple bloomsome in the spring? In Sogndal you get this unique nature and climate within 15 minutes from campus.


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    Admission and how to apply

    Admission requirements

    Completed 60 ECTS (one year higher education)

    In this program you learn about Norwegian outdoor traditions (friluftsliv) in winter and spring season, share outdoor practices and cultures of you home country and learn the pedagogic used in friluftsliv. Through several day- and multiday excursions, you will learn basic outdoor skills as well as knowledge about the nature environment. You will specialize in Friluftsliv Winter and Experiential Education and Friluftsliv.

    Study methods

    The teaching and learning methods are varied and includes excursions, lectures, seminars, group-, and individual work. The subject matter will as far as possible be integrated and experienced through practical teaching. On trips and excursions, methodological considerations will play a central role, together with a high level of personal ability and mastery of skills in outdoor activities. As a student you will be involved in planning, executing and evaluating the excursions.

    This course requires some specific clothes and equipment.

    Further studies

    After finishing Outdoor Education and Nordic Friluftsliv – Winter, you are welcome to apply for attendance in our Outdoor Education and Nordic Friluftsliv program in the fall or one of our other programs for international students.