Associate Professor

Bjørnar Blaalid

Field of work

Bjørnar Blaalid holds two bachelor' degrees, one in Sociology (UiB), and one in Sports Science (NTNU), and a master's degree in Sociology from the Department of Sociology, at the University of Bergen. He has a PhD in Sociology, and currently holds a position as Associate professor (Førsteamanuensis) in social work at Western University of Norway, Department of Welfare and participation.

He is a member of two international associations in Sociology: ESA & ISA. As well as FORSA-Norway, and the Norwegian Sociology Association.

Courses taught

Social work
Child welfare 

Research areas

Drug addiction, welfare programs, NGOs, life course perspectives, social inequality, rehabilitation, drug misuse, user participation, drug communities, labelling theory

Research groups

Law, Democracy and Welfare
Childhood, substance use and social marginalization (Associated member)


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