Field of work
Research groups
1) Power, inequality and community
2) Profession, organisation and politics
- FHA1012, Public health in an organizational and societal perspective, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUSA550, Social studies 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
- PHD902, Theory of science, ethics and academic text, 24/25
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25
Making vulnerable groups able to connect socially and digitally— opportunities and pitfalls
Co-creating and co-producing learning environments in adult education through the World Café method
Innovating Social and Digital Inclusion – Networking Across Institutions. Connect://able: Final Report
Inkludering, integrering, tilhørighet og utenforskap - en begrepsdiskusjon.
Connectable - social capital in theory and practice