Associate Professor

Dejene Assefa Hagos

Field of work

Dejene Assefa Hagos is Associate professor in energy technology and energy systems at the Department of environmental sciences. He is responsible for FE407 and FE411 courses in the renewable energy programme. Dejene holds a BSc in Mechanical engineering from AMU in Ethiopia in 2005, MSc in Thermal engineering from AAU in Ethiopia in 2010, and MSc in Sustainable energy engineering from KTH in Sweden in 2012. He received his PhD degree in energy system analysis from NMBU in Norway in 2016. Dejene worked as postdoctoral researcher at Chalmers University of Technology (2017-2018) and as researcher at NTNU (2019-2021). His main research area is on the long term regional and national energy system modelling, optimisation, and analysis. He has worked on least cost decarbonisation and energy transition in power, heating, and transport sectors of Norwegian and Danish energy systems. During his time at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, he has worked on use of gas (biomethane, natural gas, hydrogen, and synthetic gas) in transportation in the future energy system of Denmark. He currently works mainly on the integration of variable renewable energy into the existing power grid.

Courses taught

FE407 Renewable Energy Technology & Resource Assessment

FE411 Energy systems

Research areas

Variable renewable energy integration

Transport decarbonisation

Local energy transition

Energy policy instruments design

Research groups