Elisabet Trengereid-Olsen
Field of work
I am a PhD student in the research program “Bildung and Pedagogical Practices". My project seeks to understand and gain insight into deaf, signing women's inclusion in Norwegian society, their experiences with mandatory municipal introduction programs in particular, with a special focus on the programs' language training.
I am also the leader of work package 3 in a Norwegian Research Council-funded project on depiction in Norwegian Sign Language; Depiction as an Engine for Promoting Inclusion, Communication and Translation (DEPICT). The project is runned by the research group Sign language, interpreting, linguistics and communication (SILC) at HVL, and WP 3 deals with deaf immigrant women's use of depiction when signing Norwegian sign language.
Courses taught
- Norwegian Sign Language
- Interpreting
- Professional knowledge and ethics
- Deaf studies
Research areas
Interpreting involving deaf immigrants/refugees
Deaf female immigrant's inclusion into society
Deaf refugee women's use of depiction in Norwegian Sign Language
Research groups
Sign Language, interpreting, linguistics and communication
- GNTS802, Basic Norwegian Sign language part 2, 24/25
- TST113, Language, culture and history, 24/25, subject responsible
- TST211, Sign Language Interpreting 1, 24/25, subject responsible
- TST212, Interpreting theory and professional knowledge, 24/25
- TST214, Speech-to-Text-Interpreting, 24/25, subject responsible
- TST311, Sign Language Interpreting 2, 24/25, subject responsible
- TST350, Bachelor Thesis in Norwegian Sign Language and Interpreting, 24/25
Tolking & døve innvandrere
Døves rett til tolk brytes daglig, hvorfor er det ingen som bryr seg?
Depiction and Intersubjectivity for Cross-Linguistic Interpreting in Times of Crisis
Ph.d. prosjektet "Døv og kvinne i et nytt land"
DEPICT - Avbilding i tegnede språk, som en drivkraft for å fremme inkludering, kommunikasjon og oversettelse.