Gro Hege Saltnes Urdal
Field of work
I teach and conduct research on Norwegian sign language, interpreting and education of interpreters. I am interested in how intersubjectivity /a common understanding is created in an interpreted event, and the relation between the interpreter education, the interpreter profession and the society in general. In the period 2021-2025 I manage the research project DEPICT together with Benjamin Anible. In DEPICT we investigate how depiction is used in signed languages, and in interpreted events, to promote inclusion and communication.
Sign language and interpreting, community interpreting
Courses taught
Signlanguage interpreting
Deafblind interpreting
The process of producing a BA-thesis
Interpreter ethics
Research areas
- DEPICT - depiction in interpreted situations
- Deaf students' experience as sign language interpreting students
- Deaf interpreters and market
- Interpreter trainers as agents of change
- Remote interpreting - students' learning and development
Research groups
Sign Language, Interpreting, Lingvistics and Communication
Language and society
- NTS807, Norwegian Sign Language 2, module 3- Linguistic perspectives on Norwegian Sign Language and linguistic variation, 24/25
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25
- TOS101, Professional knowledge and professional ethics, 24/25, subject responsible
- TOS201A, Interpreting in practice - norwegian/arabic, 24/25
- TOS201O, Interpreting in praxis - Norwegian/Bulgarian, 24/25
- TOS201P, Interpreting in praxis - Norwegian/Mandarin, 24/25
- TOS201Q, Interpreting in practice - norwegian/oromo, 24/25
- TOS201R, Interpreting in praxis - Norwegian/Pershian, 24/25
- TOS301, Technology-mediated interpreting, 24/25, subject responsible
- TST211, Sign Language Interpreting 1, 24/25, subject responsible
- TST213, Interpreting, guiding and deion 1 , 24/25
- TST311, Sign Language Interpreting 2, 24/25
- TST312, Sign as Support for Speechreading , 24/25
- TST313, Interpreting, guiding and deion 2, 24/25, subject responsible
Making a difference: how does an interpreting course contribute to public service interpreters’ professional identity
Educators of deaf and hearing interpreting students as agents of change: challenging the curriculum
Expectations of qualified deaf interpreters (DIs) How do hearing interpreters feel about DIs’ contribution to the market?
Trist? Trøytt? Tørst? Korleis kan bruk av teikn hjelpa dei yngste i barnehagen til å kommunisera behov og kjensler
"...hvis jeg kunne så hadde vi kunnet..." Fellesskap og kommunikasjon på egne vilkår