
Magne Ingolv Espeland

Field of work

Magne I. Espeland is professor in Music and Education at West Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Campus Stord, in Norway. Specialities are curriculum development and innovation in music and arts education, educational design studies, research methodologies for education, master and Ph.D – supervision, research and project leadership, and consultancy services and evaluation of education. For a number of years he has been chairing the Research Program for Culture and Creativity Pedagogies (CCP) at HVL and MusicNet West, a network of higher music education in Western Norway. He was one of the founders of Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies (GRS). Nationally he has chaired and served on a number of Ministerial Committees from 1994 onwards, e.g. on new national curricula in music (1997) and music teacher education (2010) and in the Ministerial Expert Committee on art and culture in education, ”Det muliges kunst”, 2014. His current leadership activities include the scientific leadership of the research center "Center of Creativities, Arts and Science in Education" (CASE), which is home to Research & Development projects at the intersection of arts, science and creative education as well as being Principal Investigator in three NCR (National Research Council of Norway) funded research projects: 1)“Improvisation in Teacher Education” (IMTE) (2013- 2017), 2)"School and Concert- from transmission to Dialogue, (DiSco) (2016- 2020), and 3) "Building Sustainable Digital Practices in Kindergarten Literacy and Arts Programmes"(DigiSus) (2017- 2021). Professor Espeland also conducts advisory services for the Swedish Research Council and evaluation studies of Ph.D study programmes in education and music education for the Swedish UKEÅ, the national body for evaluation of higher education in Sweden. From 2019 to 2022 he is also a panel evaluator for the national FCT Humanities program in Portugal. He has many years of experience in commission work for evaluating promotion applications from academic colleagues, and has appeared regularly in Ph.d candidate assessment and as keynote speaker in many countries, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, China, Estonia, Ireland, Germany and the US.

Courses taught
  • Master in Creativity and learning processes (MaCrel)

Research areas
  • Dialogic school concerts
  • Sustainable digital practices in kindergartens
  • Teacher perceptions in arts education
  • Creative processes in arts education

Research groups


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