Associate Professor

Sari Kaarina Lindeman

Field of work

Family Therapy Network perspectives Couples Therapy Gottman Couples Therapy Systemic Supervision Social Work problematic substance use and Mental Health, grief and bereavement

Courses taught

Family therapy

Gottman Couples Therapy

social work


Substance abuse and mental health

Network perspectives

Next of kin work


Grief and bereavement

Housing social work

Research areas

Family therapy

Couple’s therapy

Families and substance use issues

bereavement after drug death

interdisciplinary collaboration


  • Refleksiv Tematisk Analyse

    Lindeman, Sari Kaarina, Titlestad, Kristine Berg, Kalsås, Øyvind Reehorst (2024)
  • Relasjonelt arbeid i rusmiddeltjenester

    Lindeman, Sari Kaarina, Kalsås, Øyvind Reehorst (2024)
  • The social health and help needs of those bereaved by a drug-related death: Mixed methods research

    Kalsås, Øyvind Reehorst, Titlestad, Kristine Berg, Dyregrov, Kari, Fadnes, Lars Thore, Lindeman, Sari Kaarina (2024)
  • Kva fortel END prosjektet sine resultat om etteerlatte sin livssituasjon?

    Løseth, Hilde-Margit, Lindeman, Sari Kaarina (2024)
  • Nære venners behov for hjelp og støtte

    Lindeman, Sari Kaarina, Selseng, Lillian Bruland (2024)
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