Associate Professor

Svein Gunnar Sjøtun

Field of work

I work as an associate professor at the Section for Innovation Studies at the HVL Business School.

I am particularly interested in green innovation and the restructuring of industry and business and how this plays out in different geographical contexts. In this respect, I work a lot with topics related to 'responsible innovation', i.e. how innovations can contribute to solving sustainability challenges and how innovation actors can contribute to responsible and sustainable innovations through their practices.

I am also the study program coordinator for the master programme in Responsible innovation and entrepreneurship.


INN500: Responsible Innovation

INN595/INN599: Master's Thesis


  • Responsible innovation
  • Economic geography
  • Transition studies
  • Entrepreneurship

Research groups

  • Section for Innovation Studies
Courses taught
  • INN500, Responsible innovation, Fall 2024


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