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Aarhus University

Aarhus University was founded in 1928 and is today among the world’s 100 highest ranking universities. The university currently has about 40,000 students distributed across 4 faculties.

The city of Aarhus is the economic centre of Midtjylland, and is Denmark’s second largest city, with about 260,000 residents. Aarhus has a rich history, and there is evidence of settlements here dating back to the 900s.


This is an Erasmus + agreement. As an Erasmus student, you will be participating in the world’s largest exchange programme and can study at good European universities without paying tuition. Through Erasmus+, you will be given an extra grant that provides more money to enjoy your stay.


Classes will primarily be in Danish, but there are a number of modules and programmes offered in English. If you are studying in Danish, there are no special language requirements for students whose native language is a Scandinavian language. If you are studying in English, the language requirement is a C1 level.

If you are studying in English, you must take an online language test before you travel, and you will have access to a language course through this service. The Division of Research, Internationalisation and Innovation (AFII) will inform you of this test in advance. If you are doing a course with Danish as the language of instruction, you do not need to take a language test.


You will not be paying tuition at this institution and will receive the Erasmus+ grant in addition to a grant from the State Educational Loan Fund, Norway. You will receive the same financial support from the State Educational Loan Fund, Norway as for studies in Norway, in addition to a travel grant. You must pay a semester fee to HVL in order to receive a loan and grant from the State Educational Loan Fund, Norway during the exchange period.

Course approval

In order to apply for a student exchange programme, your application must first be approved by the study programme of your faculty. An approved application means that you have been given an academic pre-approval for the course or traineeship you will be doing abroad. The academic pre-approval specifies what you will be doing while you are on an exchange programme and confirms these activities will be fully approved as part of your education plan at HVL.

What can I study?

Teacher Education and Training 5-10

You may do an exchange programme in Aarhus for one semester. Subjects include drama, mathematics, food and health, Norwegian, and social studies. Contact the academic contact person for more information.

PhD Programme in Health, Function and Participation

Students who have been admitted to the PhD programme in Health, Function and Participation may do a research stay at this institution for up to one semester. Speak with your advisor and PhD coordinator to find out when it would be best to go.