Track B: 'Green' regional development, environmental sustainability and policy

Track organisers: Arne Isaksen and Michaela Trippl

The track asks for theoretical and empirical contributions that explore forms, processes, mechanisms and policy approaches to the development of green regional development paths and environmental sustainability. We particularly but not exclusively invite papers that seek to unravel the driving forces of and barriers to sustainable transformation processes of regional economies. This includes both changes of existing firms and industries towards sustainability and the development of new green industrial activities and specialisations. The literature also maintains that transformation processes towards sustainability demand changes in the institutional frameworks at several geographical levels. Based on these approaches, the track encourages submissions of papers to the following themes:

  • Novel conceptualisations of green regional development and sustainable path development
  • Forms, mechanisms, directions and geographies of green and sustainable path development: conceptual advances and empirics
  • Sustainability transitions in established regional industries and green path modernisation: local and non-local driving forces, barriers and processes in different spatial contexts
  • Rise and growth of new green industries and sustainable development paths: local and non-local driving forces, barriers and processes in different spatial contexts
  • The role of system level agency and institutional entrepreneurship in green development processes
  • Policy approaches to green path development: new mission-oriented, challenge-led and transformative innovation policies
  • Promoting green and sustainable regional path development: new roles of the state, policy mixes, inclusive, reflexive and experimental governance