Children watching a performance

Arts and Mindfulness in Education (AMiE)

We aim to provide teachers worldwide with inspirational, innovative, and supportive tools to integrate mindfulness in primary and pre-primary schools.

Arts and Mindfulness in Education (AMiE) is an international project, implemented in partnership with the Erasmus+ programme. The aim of the project is to provide teachers worldwide with inspirational, innovative, and supportive tools aiding the integration of mindfulness in primary and pre-primary curricula in an easy, fun and sustainable way.

The unique feature of the AMiE project is the fact that it uses the power of the arts and creative processes to cultivate mindfulness in primary and pre-primary school environments.

bilde av Jonas Selås Olsen

Jonas Selås Olsen

Project manager

Project Results

  1. Calminder
    A tool kit for mindfulness and arts and how to use it. This website contains exercises, music, FAQ about mindfulness and arts 
  2. FAQ 
    100 frequently asked questions about arts and mindfulness 
  3. Video lessons 
    Video lessons created by the team and the participants. 
  4. Music 
    Exercising mindfulness through music and music making. This output contains specific music composed for use in mindfulness, exercises and links to existing music and art works.  
  5. Pedagogical framework 
    The partners have developed a common framework for use in mindful and pedagogical contexts. The framework provide reference for helping educators, students and artists in developing the needed skills that articulate learning outcomes. 
  6. SPOC - Small Private Online Course
    Free course for everyone working with children from age 3-12 on why mindfulness and art? Artfulness?
    The course gives you tips on how to start your own mindfulness practice and you learn how to use the AMiE tools to bring artfulness to your children. Other subjects are: "Do’s and don’ts when you work with mindfulness & art with young children" and "How to stay connected and where to find more information about arts & mindfulness"

Project Consortium

The AMiE-consortium consists of three European higher education institutions, a private music school and a company specialised in STEAM, playful learning and mindfulness in an educational context:

  • AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp (Belgium)
  • Dundalk Institute of Technology (Ireland)
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway)
  • Curso de Música Silva Monteiro (Portugal)
  • Speel je wijs (the Netherlands)

The image has the text