Course in systematic reviews, Part 2

Target audience for this course: Those who want to prepare a systematic reviews (Doers)


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    Admission and how to apply



    • Participants of this must have completed part 1 or equivalent
    • English competence is a prerequisite, as parts of the teaching and supervision will be in English

    Admission to HVL

    The course is open to all, both employees at HVL and elsewhere. It will be helpful for employees at Faculty of Health and Social Sciences who want to prepare a systematic reviews – doer of systematic reviews. 


    To conduct a systematic review under supervision and with feedback from colleagues.

    Form and Content

    Part A: Preparation of the protocol

    Teaching, preparation and supervision of the protocol in the format of PROSPERO or a similar protocol registration

    1. Background, aim(s) and eligibility criteria
    2. Sources, search Strategy and screening
    3. Critical appraisal and data management (extraction)
    4. Synthesis (Meta-analysis or meta-synthesis or mapping)

    Part B: Supervision of the preparation of a systematic review 

    Teaching and supervision in specific topic which participants choose during the course. All participants book time for supervision for each on the mentioned dates.

    More information

    Would you like to know more or sign up? Send us an e-mail.