NAB3042 Leadership in sustainable maritime organizations
Course description for academic year 2021/2022
Contents and structure
The main topics of this course are change management, valuebased management/leadership, relational management/leadership, sensemaking, organizational culture, cooperation and conflict solving. Emphasis is on challenges and dilemmas in practice that is important to people on different levels in maritime and maritime related organizations.
Learning Outcome
The student
- has knowledge about important themes within the topic of leadership, management and organization.
- has broad knowledge about important themes within change management in organizations, valuebased management and value creating.
- is familiar with topics like group and team, cooperation and conflict, organizational culture, attitudes and values.
- is able to use theory from the curriculum to recognize, analyse and explain themes from the topic focusing on challenges and dilemmas.
- can reflect on how they themselves and others could be stimulated to learn and grow as human beings
- can develop their own management style
- can demonstrate knowledge about important challenges and dilemmas within the topic, especially change management and valuebased management, and how cooperation can be developed and conflicts solved
- has insight into their own way of behavior and management style, especially cooperative style and conflict solving style
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
The students should have experience from and interest for maritime organizations and/or maritime related activities.
The students must be able to understand written English
Teaching methods
Lectures, discussions and group work
Compulsory learning activities
Portfolio assesment. The portfolio consists of two assignments.
Gradings scale A-F
Examination support material
All printed and written study aids may be used.
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- NAB3027 - Leiing av maritime organisasjonar - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- EVN1002 - Leiing i maritime organisasjonar - Reduction: 10 studypoints