
A teacher will have a large repertoire of ways to facilitate the children’s learning, in the same way that the musician will have a repertoire of melodies to play, and the actor will have a repertoire of ways to act according to the fictional setting.

The teacher will have a repertoire of tasks that can be assigned, ways of structuring a lesson, and so on. The teacher can also obtain a repertoire of ways to lead conversations and talk to children or respond to children, based on consideration of the opportunities she or he sees in the situation. The teacher first and foremost obtains a repertoire from practicing, and thus obtains experience. But the quality of the talk repertoire will depend on having some guidelines for how to do it, to exercise and try to excel at it, and to reflect on the aspects involved in the situation.   

Sets of ways to ask questions, like productive questions or talk moves and dialogic moves can serve as tools in building up a repertoire of how to conduct conversations.