Field of work
Courses taught-Physical Education
-PHD 912 Ecocriticism and didactic practices
-Outdoor teaching for explorers (EVO, KfK)
Research areas
- - Physical Education
- - Ecocritisism
- - Nature as an Arena for Cultural Formation
- - Yeaching Practices
- - Outdoor Learning
- - Practical Aesthetic Subjects in School and Teacher Education
- .- Sustaiability
Research groups
Formation - Nature, Body, Movement
Nature in Children's Litterature and Culture
- MGBPE301, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 3 – The professional teacher, 24/25
- MGUKØ502, Physical education 3, module 2 - Formation and learning in physical education, 24/25, subject responsible
- PHD912, Ecocriticism and didactic practices, 24/25
- UTE801, Didactic practices outdoors for engagement, exploration, and creativity, 24/25
- UTE802, Professional learning communities for didactic and aesthetic practices in schools, 24/25
Global Problems and/or Local Solutions: Teaching and Learning Physical Education in the Wake of OECD Education 2030
Pupils’ reflections on experiences and feelings in meditation in nature: an intercultural ecopedagogical praxis in outdoor education
Intercultural dialogue on ecopedagogy between Daoism and Naess’ ecosophy: Comparing and integrating Chinese and Western ecological wisdom
Primary students`experiences with outdoor education in the local environment
WP5b - Utvikling av kunnskap om DKS for lærerutdanning, skole og samfunn.