Field of work
Teaches geography and didactics in teacher edcuation, Master and PhD-courses.
Leader of the research group COMPETE - Comparative perspectives in Education
Project leader, UTFORSK project on joint master exchange with partners in South Africa
Professor II in geography, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Scientific Director, Bergen Summer Research School, 2024
Courses taught
- Human geograpy
- Climate and sustainability
- Place and the didactics of place
- Geography didactics
- Political ecology
Research areas
- Geography didactics and the epistemology of geogphray
- Colonial history and postcolonial representations
- Climate and sustainability in education
- Geographical literacy
Research groups
- MGUSA131, Social studies 1, module 1 - Introduction to social studies 1, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUSA231, Social studies 1, module 2 - Introduction to social studies 2, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUSA501, Social studies 3, module 1 - Social studies research and literature, 24/25
- MGUSA502, Social studies 3, module 2 - Society, education and learning, 24/25
- MGUSA503, Social studies 3, module 3 - Research methods and source critisism, 24/25
- MGUSA550, Social studies 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
- PHD901, Bildung and pedagogical practices, 24/25
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25
Fracking, Bildung and a lack of democratic citizenship in communities: What can South Africa learn from Poland?
Geografisk danning og utdanning for berekraftig utvikling
Discourses of climate change education: The case of geography textbooks for secondary and higher secondary education in South Africa and Norway
Fagfornying, berekraft og geografisk danning
Verda og vi. Innføring i geografi