Courses taught
  • MGBNO101, Norwegian 1, module 1, 24/25
  • MGUNO201, Norwegian 1, module 2 - Literature and text , 24/25
  • MGUNO202, Norwegian 1, module 2 - Literature and text , 24/25
  • MGUNO550, Norwegian 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
  • MKUF502A, Literature: Writing, analysis and dissemination, 24/25
  • MKUF503, Aesthetics and creativity, 24/25
  • MKUF504, Philosophy of science and methodology, 24/25
  • U5NOR13, Norwegian for Foreign Students. Beginners' Course, 24/25


  • Hvem er det som snakker i min bok? Etterord i Jean Rhys: God morgon, midnatt

    Grethe Fatima Syéd (2024)
  • Naturlig intelligens, en unik ressurs (sammen med Franciska Hamre Aabrek)

    Grethe Fatima Syéd (2024)
  • Du kan ikke lage en potet. Essay og artikler om litteratur og samfunn

    Grethe Fatima Syéd (2023)
  • Keiserens kalosjer

    Grethe Fatima Syéd (2023)
  • Intervju om Olav Duun. Intervjuer Kristian Bendiksen.

    Grethe Fatima Syéd (2023)
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