Associate Professor

Merethe Hustoft

Field of work

Between 1997 - 1998 I worked in Skien municicpality as an occupational therapist, then moved on to Haukeland University Hospital (the burns unit and the neurological unit) from 1998 to 1999. From 1999  to 2012 I worked in Bergen municipality (main focus interprofessinal collaboration and rehabilitation). In 2012 to 2014 I was became the project leader for the "Leve HELE livet" project in Stavanger miniciplaity where my main tasks were to implementing reablement, welfare technology and health promotion services in the municipalitites. In 2014 to 2020 I working on my PhD project: Do interprofessionalt teams matter? I have been working at HVL at the institute for health and function and the occuptaional therapy programme since 1st January 2019. I also hold a small (20%) additional posistion at the Regional centre for habilitation and rehabilitation in Western Norway as a researcher. 

I have a Master degree in evidence-based practice (May, 2012) and my Doctorate degree from the University of Bergen, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care (May, 2020).

Developed and participates in the Rehabilitation Cohort West (REKOVE) research project. This project includes rehabilitation patients and interprofessional rehabilitation teams within secondary health care settings in Western Norway. A third PhD canditate commenced her project within REKOVE in 2021. The project group is also currently developing a new rehabilitation project.

I am participating in a persons with refugee experience- interprofessional (PREP-IP) project, where one of the main aims is to develop an online teaching and learning module/course for /studentshealth professionals working with refugees. 

From 1st January 2023 I became the deputy leader in TVEPS (Centre for Interprofessional Education,  Norwegian: Senter for Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring).

Courses taught
  • Rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation process
  • Interprofessional collaboration
  • Coordination/Continuity of care
  • Occupational therapy knowledge base
  • Evidence practice practice
  • Function
  • Research process
  • Quantitative methods
  • Occupational Science
  • Academic writing
Research areas
  • Rehabilitation patients (REKOVE)
  • Interprofessional teams
  • Habilitation
  • Coordination/Continuity of care
  • Questionnaires (valitity/reliability)
  • Health services research


Research groups