Assistant Professor

Øystein Lerum

Field of work

Teaches various subjects in physical education teacher training.

Currently researching school-based physical activity and I am involved in several national and international research and development projects, including Active Smarter Kids (ASK), School in Motion (ScIM), Activating Classroom Teachers (ACTivate) and Center for Physically Active Learning (SEFAL)

Visit my Twitter or Google Scholar profile to read more about my work.

Courses taught
  • Kroppsøving i grunnskulelærarutdanning (1.-7.trinn & 5.-10. trinn)
  • Lærarspesialistutdanning i kroppsøving (8.-13. trinn)
  • Sport Science

Research areas
  • School-based physical activity

Research groups
Courses taught
  • MGUKØ201, Physical education 1, module 2 - Physical education, the student and adapted learning, 24/25
  • MGUKØ401, Physical education 2, module 2 - Physical education, teacher competence, research and development, 24/25
  • MGUKØ501, Physical education 3, module 1 - Scientific theory, subject and method, 24/25, subject responsible
  • MGUKØ503, Physical education 3, module 3 - Theory and research in physical education and professional development, 24/25, subject responsible
  • MGUKØ550, Physical Education 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25, subject responsible
  • MIDR405, Qualitative analysis and project plan, 24/25


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