PhD Candidate

Silje Meling Bjørnevoll

Field of work

Silje Meling Bjørnevoll is a pH.d.candidate in music education at the Departement og Arts Education, Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports, at the Western University of Applied Sciences. Bjørnevolls pH.d.project has the title: Preservice music teachers as agents for change – a case study of preservice music teachers experiences from their teaching practice at the five-year general teacher education (GTE).


Bjørnevoll, S. M. (2024). Navigating between traditional and innovative music teaching: Analyzing practicum conversations through practice architecture theory | Nordic Research in Music Education (

Bjørnevoll, S. M. (2022). “We Never Got to Try That Experience of Total Chaos”: Exploring Preservice Music Teachers’ Agency in Teaching Practicum. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 0(0).



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