
Cristin (Current Research Information System in Norway) is the national system for registering and reporting research activities. Cristin is supposed to be replaced by NVA (Nasjonalt vitenarkiv, a national research archive) in June 2024.

All employees at HVL are responsible for registering their academic publications, projects and research stays in Cristin, and for keeping their profiles updated. The library offers training and support.

Cristin Login (New interface: Projects and research results) Cristin Login (Original interface: Profile page and research results)

For questions, please write to

What should be registered in Cristin?

All academic publications must be registered in Cristin. You may also register other types of results and projects.

Academic Publications

The following categories may count as academic publications :

  • Academic article/academic literature review (Main category: Journal publication)
  • Academic monograph/academic commentary (Main category: Book)
  • Academic chapter/article/conference paper in academic anthology/conference proceedings (Main category: Part of book/report)

Publications registered in these so-called NVI categories may qualify for publication points, if the general criteria for academic publications are met. Be aware that an academic anthology (edited volume) does not qualify for publication points, only its individual chapters do.

The individual researcher is responsible for registering one’s own publications in due time every year. Academic articles (journal publications) should be uploaded the institutional repository HVL Open.

Further instructions:

Please note that if you are registering a chapter in an anthology, the anthology itself needs to be registered in Cristin first. Unless one of the other contributors has already done so, you can easily do this yourself (see the instruction above).

Cristin distinguishes between “academic” (vitenskapelige) publications and “popular scientific” (faglige) publications. Only publications belonging to the first category qualify for publication points. When registering a part of a book/report, make sure to select “academic chapter/article/conference paper” if it belongs in this category.

Other Results

In Cristin you may also register other results (non-academic publications, conference presentations etc.). We recommend that you check whether your faculty has its own guidelines in this respect.


We recommend that researchers register their projects in Cristin. There is a project module which has a separate logon. By registering your project you make it visible online, including on HVL’s project site. Cristin has no general criteria that you need to meet in order to define your research as a “project”.

As your project generates publications and other results, we recommend that you link these to your project in Cristin. Click “add” under “results” at the end of the project page. By default, only the project manager can do this, but other participants may also be assigned access to edit the project page.

If you cannot find your joint institution in Cristin when registering your project, you may register the joint institution here (in Norwegian only). 

Projects supported by the Research Council of Norway (RCN): When registering publications financed by RCN grants, you must remember to include the 6-digit project number issued by RCN. See Cristin’s guidelines and RCN’s requirements.

Health research projects: If you have applied for approval of your project by the regional committee for medical and health research ethics (REK), your project will automatically be registered in Cristin as soon as it is approved. The project manager may subsequently add more information about the project, publications and links to other related projects.


February 1: All who have published must make sure that all their academic publications are registered correctly and, if necessary, register missing publications or make corrections.

Other results – publications that do not qualify for publications points, conference presentations, public dissemination of research – and projects have no deadlines on a national or institutional level. The faculties may have their own deadlines for such results.

November 30: Deadline for suggesting new publication channels (Level 1).

How to suggest new channels

The Norwegian register for scientific journals, series and publishers contains an overview of publishers and journals that have been evaluated by the national publication committee. Publications in channels that have been accepted on level 2 (highest) or 1 may qualify for publication points if the publication otherwise meets the national requirements for academic publications. Channels that have not been registered or are placed on level 0 do not generate publication points.

If you are considering publishing in a channel that has not been evaluated by the publication committee, we recommend that you submit the channel for approval. Create your own’s account on the Register’s website and submit the information required for the evaluation process to start (annual deadline: November 30). If accepted, the channel counts as academic as of the year of your proposal. Criteria for acceptance can be found at NSD’s website.

The nomination of channels for level 2 is a separate process led by the national publication committee and the national disciplinary strategic units. Individual researchers may nominate channels for level 2 on the website of their discipline. Find your journal, click on the dented wheel and then “add a professional comment”. 

Series with ISSN number: If you are publishing in a series with an ISSN number, be aware that your publication channel will be the series and not the publisher. In order to qualify for publication points the series must be registered as well. You may propose your series in the same way as you propose journals and publishers (annual deadline: November 30). For more details, see the Reporting Instructions (4.2).

Level X

A new level was introduced to the Norwegian Scientific Index in 2021 – level X. The new level is for publication channels whose quality is in doubt. The channels can be new / not previously assessed, or they can be from level 0 or 1. A journal previously at level 1, but now X, will still count as level 1 the current year, but is considered for level 0. Correspondingly, a new channel, or one previously at level 0, is considered for level 1 – although these can count as level 1 for the current year if they are approved before the deadline on November 30.

Since level X is for channels that are hard to assess, the National Board of Scholarly Publishing calls for input from the research community. Comments can be posted under the channel’s entry in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, after logging in.

Keep in mind that publishing takes time. A manuscript sent to a level X journal in Fall, may be published in a level 0 journal the next Spring.

Important to remember when publishing and registering

Which institution should I credit in my publication? How can I make it openly accessible? Does it qualify for publication points? Read more by following the links below.

Affiliations Self-Archiving Publication Channels and Publication Points

Roles and Responsibility

All who publish academically are responsible for making sure that their own results are registered in Cristin. The library checks that all registrations are correct and reports the results in accordance with the national regulations. The publication committee assists the library in determining whether a publication qualifies as academic or not. Read more below.

The Researcher

The researcher is responsible for making sure  her/his own academic publications are correctly registered no later than February 1 each year. (Some publications are imported to Cristin, and need not be registered manually). Publications resulting from external funding must contain project number. Remember to deposit the full manuscript in the institutional repository HVL Open. If relevant, the Cristin posts should include an URL referring to research data as stored in HVL Open Research Data or similar archives.

The Library

The library

  • Verifies and approves information registered in Cristin related to academic publications in accordance with national regulations;
  • Contacts the researcher if more information related to the academic character of a publication is needed;
  • Collaborates with other institutions in approving joint publications;
  • Presents publications whose academic character is in doubt to the publication committee (see below);
  • Performs as secretary to the publication committee;
  • Reports unsolved issues to the Cristin secretariat;
  • Reports approved Cristin posts in accordance with national regulations;
  • Assists researchers in using Cristin;
  • Informs the faculties about deadlines and guidelines from authorities and funders;
  • Provides analyses and publication lists on request.

The Publication Committee

The publication committee assists the library in assessing the academic character of a publication, in cases of doubt. According to its own mandate, the committee

  • Makes assessments of publications in order to determine whether it meets the criteria for research established by the Ministry of Education and Research;
  • In each case provides a written assessment suitable as documentation, be it internally at HVL, for use by other institutions in cases of joint publications, or vis-à-vis Cristin’s dispute committee.

The publication committee consists of

  • The pro-rector for research
  • The vice-deans for research of each of HVL’s four faculties
  • Representatives from the library, serving as secretary
  • Observer from the research administration (Division of Research, Internationalisation and Innovation)

Other ways of using Cristin

Cristin contains several modules, which provides various options for searching. To most researchers the modules for research results and projects will be the most relevant. The project catalogue is placed in the new version of Cristin, and is only searchable there, while advanced search in research results is currently only available in the old version of Cristin. However, it is possible to organise the results retrieved in a simple search according to options such as “sector” or “category” (available on the left side of the screen). 

How to search for research results and projects

Research results recorded in Cristin are searchable if you click on Research Results/NVI on the left side of the screen (old version). When you are logged in, you may proceed to “Search in results”. Simple search for author, title and year is available. Note that a title search needs to be exact. You may also use an asterisk * for truncation.

Advanced search for unit, category, publisher etc. is also available. Click on “Advanced search” on the right side (top). Keep in mind that you will not find information in Cristin that has not been registered by its users.

Search for projects (title, authors, results) is available in the new version of Cristin. You may also make an advanced search for participants, institutions, funding source and project code.

How to create your own profile on HVL’s webpage

An updated profile in Cristin will increase your online visibility as a researcher. Your Cristin profile is linked to your personal profile at HVL’s website. On the intranet Vestibylen you will find an instruction for how to edit your personal website, including making your most recent publications visible there.