The Glocal Teacher

Project owner

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Project period

January 2010 - January 2016

Project summary

Education and teaching need to learn pupils and society to deal with future challenges.
The challenges faced today are both of global and local character. The relation between the global and local can be described as a “Glocal” perspective. Such a perspective introduces a series of themes.

The teaching profession and the general school systems have been closely connected with the political, cultural and economic interest of the nation state. Dierent modes of globalization challenge the nation state, in many cases without constructing the necessary institutions to deal with the possibilities, challenges and problems that are caused by the globalization. This present a great challenge for education.

Globalization in a variety of formats gives new conditions for schools, for distribution of
knowledge, for governing of schools, for being a professional teacher and being a pupil. It is a present challenge to develop and institutionalize a glocal education and glocal teacher professionalism.

Present challenges for education is the growth of global public spheres, international media cultures and multiculturalism that are locally present in classrooms and eect opinions, identity, knowledge and therefore premises of teaching and learning. New digital platforms challenge the traditional limitations in space, time and room.

Teaching and learning resources are accumulated fast and are distributed wide in an open and globally shared knowledge economy. International human rights and children convention challenge are being integrated into national legislation and influence curriculum, school bills, white papers, students and parents as school actors with new and unprecedented rights. Themes as sustainable development, poverty and climate change demand new insights and corporation that cross national boundaries, cultures and traditional institutions.