Midway evaluations

Midway evaluations are organised by the PhD programme in the form of open public seminars. They are conducted halfway through the financing period and have a duration of up to 3 hours.

The main-supervisor must be present at the midway assessment.

The programme committee appoints an evaluation group of two people (on the basis of a suggestion from the candidate’s main supervisor) to evaluate the doctoral work. The evaluation is done based on a submitted text and the candidate's presentation of his/her own project.

You and your supervisor will agree on the text to be submitted, but it should include the project description submitted when you applied for admission, a whole and complete text, e.g. articles/chapters or draft articles/chapters to be included in the PhD thesis. Alternatively, you can submit a 10-20 page report that presents the thesis question(s) and accounts for the status of your work, and that provides a progress plan for the continued work.

Implementation of midway evaluation

1. You give a presentation of up to 30 minutes in which you present your research project and place the submitted text in the context of the thesis as a whole. As part of your presentation, you shall also assess your own progress and pose questions that you would like feedback on. Self-assessment of progress means:

  • Providing information about how the project is developing in relation to the original project description
  • Providing information about the reasons for any changes made in the development of the academic content/research project
  • Providing information about the reasons for any changes made in the original progress schedule
  • Presenting an updated progress schedule (data collection, analysis/processing, writing, publication, compiling and submitting the thesis)

2. The evaluation group will provide input and comments on the text they have read, and on your presentation and any questions asked. The evaluation group is requested to provide constructive and critical feedback, including specific advice on how you can continue working with the thesis leading up to submission.

3. There will then be an opportunity for a general discussion. led by the candidate's main supervisor.