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Study plan - Bachelor of Business and Administration

Autumn 2018

The study is a part time study over a five year period. Students will attend the lectures together with full time students. The work load during the first three years is 30 ECTS credits (15 per semester).

The study program follows the recommended plan from The National Council for Economic Administrative Education (NRØA), which coordinates the bachelor\'s level business administration study programs in Norway. The purpose of a joint plan is to ensure a high academic level and a common base of knowledge for the bachelor\'s students. The study plan is built up of required courses in business economics and accounting, methodology, economics, and administration. The last two years of the program allow students to specialize in one of three different profiles (accounting; finance and economic management; or management, organization, and strategy). The study program is cross-disciplinary and job-oriented, and qualifies students for admission to domestic and foreign master\'s level programs in business administration.

Target group: people who desire to combine study and work.

Learning outcomes


The candidate:

  • Has broad knowledge in business economics, social economics, methodology, and administration subjects so that he/she, for example:
  • Can explain various principles for cost estimation, cost distribution, and product calculations.
  • Is familiar with budgeting as a management tool, and can explain how budgeting processes are organized and carried out.
  • Can explain how enterprises are financed, new investments are considered, and how annual accounts are prepared and analyzed (business economics courses).
  • Can explain how strategies are developed and implemented, how enterprises work, are organized, improved, and managed, and how products and services are developed, marketed, and positioned (administration courses).
  • Can explain how a country`s economy can be affected by, for example, changes in demand, government policies, international conditions, or technological developments. Candidates will also have knowledge of and be able to analyze different competitive situations from a company\'s point of view (social economics).
  • Knows about research and development work within these academic areas, such that the candidate has up-to-date knowledge of relevant theories and methods.


The candidate:

  • Can apply knowledge from the various academic fields to practical problems in the workplace, and can collect and analyze relevant information in accordance with methodology courses (mathematics, statistics, and social science methods), in order to solve a wide specter of problems within economics and business administration.
  • Is able to update his/her own knowledge throughout his/her working life.
  • Can plan and execute individual projects.


The candidate:

  • Has basic academic insight, analytical training, and an understanding of problems within the general fields of economics and business administration, such as business economics, administration, and social economics.
  • Has built up special competence within a chosen in-depth profile and a bachelor\'s thesis, such that the student can manage economic and business administrative tasks in the private and public sectors, as well as being able to identify, analyze, and evaluate frameworks for and consequences of decisions.
  • Can plan and carry out his/her own analyses of practical problems and make decisions based on these analyses.
  • Is qualified for study programs at the master\'s level, both domestically and abroad.
  • Has developed the ability for innovative thought, as well as having a good understanding of ethical and other social considerations in decision-making situations.
  • Have developed good communication and cooperation skills.
  • Can convey academic material both orally and in writing, and can exchange views and experience, thereby contributing towards the development of good work experiences.


The five- year study model is divided into ten semesters. During the first three years, 15 ECTS credits each semester. The rest of the ECTS credits are spread over the last two years, for a total of 180 credits. After completing five years (180 ECTS credits) the student is granted the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration. The study program provides the candidate with broad competence for working in technical positions or as an advisor in economic and administrative matters in the private and public sectors, as well as in other organizations.

The plan has the following main subject areas :

  1. Business economics analysis, which consists of the following sub-areas: basic business economics analysis, basic accounting, financial statements and analysis, internal accounts and budgeting, and investments and finance.
  2. Administrative subjects, which consists of marketing, basic organizational theory (organizational theory, organizational psychology, and management), corporate strategy, and advanced organizational subjects.
  3. Social economics, which consists of macroeconomic theory and politics, microeconomics, and city and regional economics.
  4. Methodology, which consists of fundamental mathematics and statistics, and social science methodology




Profile (if applicable):

During the third year, students have the possibility to specialize within:

  • Finance and Financial Management
  • Leadership, Organization, and Corporate Strategy
  • Accounting *

(*This profile meets the educational requirements for qualification as an accountant. In addition, 2 years of relevant work experience is required in order to apply for authorization.)

Students must take all of the courses (60 ECTS credits) within the area of specialization in order to have the profile specified on their diploma.

The program is organized so that there is a natural progression through all the five years.


Various forms of work are used in the study program, such as lectures, seminars, and working groups.


The types of evaluation include a written final exam, a take-home exam, or a portfolio assessment. A combination of assessment forms may also be used, such as a take-home exam and a school exam.

Many courses include obligatory assignments that must be approved in order for the student to take the final exam. The grading scale consists of the letter grades A-F or pass/fail.

See the course description for a specific course for precise information on the type of assessment that is used.

