DAT153 Mobile and Distributed Applications
Course description for academic year 2017/2018
Contents and structure
Students learn different tools and techniques for developing mobile and distributed applications.
- Applications for mobile devices. Use cases, architecture and application types.
- Development of smart mobile client, including local data storage and network communication.
- Practical use of sensor such as GPS, camera, microphone and accelerometer.
- Testing and deployment of applications.
- Push-based applications, and applications for the mobile internet (HTML/CSS).
- Different platforms and tools for mobile development.
- Robustness- and security considerations; data protection.
- Human Computer Interaction and novel forms of interaction.
- Internationalization.
- Frameworks for REST-based services (JAX-RS).
- Different data formats (XML).
Learning Outcome
After passing the course, students obtain:
- explain basic principles and alternatives for app development for mobile devices;
- explain principles behind Responsive Web Design;
- explain architecture, framework and API for a particular platform (currently Android);
- explain how GPS and data from different sensors can be accessed in mobile devices;
- describe principles behind a REST-based architecture and HTTP as an application protocol;
- describe common data formats for data exchange over a network.
- develop web-applications for mobile devices;
- develop "native" applications for mobile devices;
- develop cross-platform applications for mobile devices;
- design and develop good user interfaces for mobile applications;
- develop and use REST-based services in mobile distributed applications (incl. the server-side)
Entry requirements
Recommended prerequisites: DAT104, DAT105, DAT152 or similar courses.
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercise, and group-work.
Compulsory learning activities
4 compulsory exercises must be completed (within the given deadlines) and approved before the exam can be taken. All assignments must be answered in English.
Approved exercises also give access to postponed examination the following semester. However, before a new postponed exam can be taken (the next time the subject is taught), new exercises must be delivered.
Oral examination.
Time and place will be announced at Itslearning.
Grading scale is A-F where F is fail.
Examination support material
Parts of the exam may refer to earlier obligatory exercises.
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- TOD142 - Mobilteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints