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NAB3036 Green Shipping

Course description for academic year 2018/2019

Contents and structure

Maritime Envorinmental Management

Interaction between shipping and aquatic ecosystems

Observed during a vessels lifecycle from keel laying to beaching with a focus on:



antifouling systems and the still existing problem of biocid substitutes

alternative concepts based on coatings with non-stick properties or pH-value modification

effectiveness of environmental friendly anti fouling systems


Ballast Water Systems:

propagation of invasive species induced by seagoing vessels

ballastwater treatment, range of different systems

control of the operational reliability of ballastwater treatment technologies with mobile ballastwater analysis systems proofed by IMO and US-Coastguard (exercises)


Sevage and Garbage:

waste water systems and incineration plants on vessels, especially on cruise vessels

special focus on the input of microplastics in marine ecosystems caused by shipping and fishing (exercises)



temporal range of fossil energy resources for shipping in the context of geopolitics

joint reflection of the technical terms energy efficiency, energy consumption and energy balance

energy management parameters  from the perspective of the yard (EEDI), the shipping company (EEOI) and the crew (SEEMP) (exercises)


Underwater Noise:

reduction measures and measurements on the propagation of underwater noise induced by vessels


Oil Spill Control:

environmental consequences of oil entrainment

oil recovering technologies


Dismantling of Ships:

the ecological and social consequences of beaching


Most of today´s ship propulsion systems use different fossil fuels. This fuels (liquid: marine gas oil, heavy fuel oil, etc. and gas: natural gas (stored as liquid natural gas (LNG)) are very different for the ship user (e.g. costs, tank and storage systems onshore and onboard, energy efficiency of the combustion engines and ship propulsion systems, ship handling and exhaust gas emissions).


Ships are designed to sail at least 20 ¿ 25 years. Dependent on the ship type, its dimensions, speed and tasks the ship has to fulfill different environmental laws and regulations. In addition to this legal questions the ship crew is able to save energy (= costs!) if they are able to run the systems under optimal conditions (according to the loading, speed etc.)


To assess a ship propulsion system and its fuels it is useful to measure the different ship and engine parameters as accurate as possible. Therefor different measurement systems (nautical data like speed, trim, wind, flow, wave direction and height, and technical data like engine speed and torque, (= power output), air and fuel consumption (volume, temperature and pressure), internal cylinder pressure, exhaust gas temperatures, pressure and content (like N2, O2, CO2, CO, H2O, NOX, SOx, Methane, soot and fine dust, ¿) 


The different ship operation system (like cooling water systems, fresh water, ballast, bilge, ¿.) are following same principle regarding energy optimized operation. Therefor the systems and the diesel generators have to be controlled with the same measurement systems than the propulsion engine(s).

In addition to this measurement the main electric quantities (like frequency, voltage, current, electric power and cos ¿) have to be observed.   


The theoretical and practical knowledge about the different measurement principles, technic and installation, together with a proper evaluation and classification of the measurement results, will help the technical maritime personal to run a ship under energy saving conditions with a minimum of environmental harmful emissions.


The international maritime transport is increasingly confronted with new environmental requirements. By adopting the EU regulation on the monitoring of marine carbon emissions (MRV Directive), it is mandatory to measure, document and test CO2 emissions. As from 01.01.2018, the shipowners whose ships are calling EU ports are required to report. A similar rule is also discussed at the IMO level. A performance monitoring tool can make a significant contribution to CO2 monitoring and CO2 savings. The current developments towards efficient and environmentally-friendly shipping ensure that the topic of performance monitoring is becoming increasingly important. Constant monitoring and regular evaluation of the operating data can make ship operation more efficient. But which method, which program and which measuring system are to be chosen for which vessel?

Another important environmental regulation is on international level the HONKONG CONVENTION that gives new requirements for ship recycling as well as the new European regulation from the European Council that will make the European ship recycling regulation applicable to all ships over 500 GT that enter an EU harbor. For these a IHM list is required. How this list is build and monitored

climate policy and shipping¿s fair share

Renewable energy for ship propulsion

Wind propulsion for commercial ships:

Different technologies (wing sail, Dynarig, Flettner-rotor, traction kite: functional principle, design, performance

Operational aspects: effects on ship stability, manoeuvering, watchkeeping

Route optimization

Fuel (emissions) savings and economical aspects

Case studies (from research projects)

Student exercises (e.g. calculations on efficiency and fuel savings, impact on stability and maneuvering, performance prediction, routing)   

Learning Outcome


The student has advanced knowledge of:

- The content of the IMO and EU regulation concerning CO2 Monitoring and ship recycling

- The different systems how CO2 can be measured and calculated according the regulations

- How the different possible hazardous materials that can be found on a ship.

- Knows the advantages of different concept of CO2 Monitoring

- Measurement principles, systems and technic to observe the ship propulsion and ship operation systems

- Evaluation and classification of the data and data handling

- Ship (system and propulsion) handling within the different environmental laws and regulations

- optimized ship handling regarding the ship propulsion and ship operation systems


- Climate policy and the role of shipping

- The use of renewable energy for ship propulsion

- Different technologies of modern wind propulsion systems for commercial ships

- The functional principle of modern wind propulsion systems

- Performance analysis of wind propulsion technologies

- Operational aspects of wind propulsion systems such as safe handling, impact on stability and maneuvering

- Economical aspects such as fuel savings  



The student:

- Is able to analyse measured data to perform a CO2 Monitoring

- Is able to create a concept for CO2 Monitoring

- Is able to assist in a process to create a IHM list

- Is able to work with different complex measurement systems

- Is able to analyse measured data

- Is able to optimise the ship performance with the data analyse

- is able to analyse different technologies for wind propulsion

- is able to identify operational risks

- is able to calculate the impact on ship¿s stability by wind propulsion systems

- is able to calculate wind propulsion performance

- is able to predict the impact on ship¿s manoeuvrability from wind propulsion 


General Qualifications:

The student is able to:

- work in groups to find creative and sustainable solutions

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Lectures/seminars, group work, presentations in class.

Compulsory learning activities

  • Collective handwritten summary regarding four specific topics in groups of 3 or 4 students.
  • Each group is giving a short oral presentation on one topic.
  • Four information leaflets covering the four topics (each single leaflet of two pages in Word or similar).


Portfolio exam, 100%.

Grading scale A-F.

Examination support material

All printed and written study aids may be used

More about examination support material