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MOØ242 Practical Innovation Management Internship

Course description for academic year 2019/2020

Contents and structure

The aim of the course is to introduce students to a practical innovation context on competence, organization, management and environment. The student should choose a knowledge-based and innovation oriented company, where they will be able to draw upon their skills acquired in previous courses to solve, or work on, a problem relating to a company`s organization and innovation processes.

The student will do this by working as an intern in the company for at least two to three days a week during the course period. The internship is problem oriented - focusing on a task of importance and use to the company, and/or the company may serve as a case in a case writing project. A specific assignment can typically be formulated in dialogue between the student and the company, and with representatives from the master course. In this course the students will be exposed to innovation processes and technology management in more larger companies.

Learning Outcome

The students should demonstrate proficiency in writing a case which may address one or more of the following themes:

  • Analysis and development of a business model with market analysis
  • Assessment of a firm`s current position vis-à-vis competitors, including identification of core competences
  • Risk analysis of a firm`s activities or a of a product/market strategy
  • Analysis and development of stakeholders and new collaboration strategies
  • Intellectual property investigation and strategy
  • Organizational analysis and development
  • Responsible innovation-, business, organization and/or strategy
  • Or other relevant cases on innovation, entrepreneurship, organization and management.

Entry requirements

Admission requirements for the master programme. 

Recommended previous knowledge

Completion of first and second semester. 

Teaching methods

Project based internship / cooperation with local technology company.

Duration: 5-8 weeks. Min. 2-3 days a week.

Three Dialouge meetings during the internship period.

Compulsory learning activities

Three dialouge meetings during the internship period.

Mandatory assignments are valid the examination semester and the three following semesters.


Submission of a written paper.

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale.

Examination support material


More about examination support material