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BIO138 Project in Biomedical Laboratory Science

Course description for academic year 2021/2022

Contents and structure

A project will be specified and should be implemented under the guidance of an advisor from the department. Typically this is a laboratory project within the fiels of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences. Note that there is a limited number of projects.

Questions about available projects can be made to the the Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences and Chemical Engineering by Geir Førland (geir.forland@hvl.no)

Learning Outcome

On completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms and knowledge and skills:


The student can

  • participate in project work in biomedical laboratory sciences
  • contribute to the written documentation of a project work in the term of a technical report
  • give an oral presentation of a project work in which the student has participated.



  • The acquired skills will depend on the project work in which the student has participated in.

Entry requirements

At least 120 study points (ECTS) in the field of Biomedical laboratory Sciences or similar subjects.

Teaching methods

Depends on the project that the student has participated in.

Compulsory learning activities

Written report and oral presentation of the work.


Semester project.

Grading scale is pass or fail.