JU5-104 Public Administrative Law
Course description for academic year 2024/2025
Contents and structure
Administrative law is the legal rules on organization, responsibilities, and competence to make decisions in public administration. In addition, there are rules on the rights and obligations private individuals have vis-à-vis the administration.
Public administration means bodies and businesses that belong to the state and municipality. Examples of public bodies are NAV, the State Administrator, the Directorate of Health, a municipality, or a county municipality. Private individuals who make decisions on behalf of the public administration about the rights and obligations of private legal entities are also included. The Parliament and the courts are not considered here as part of the administration.
The subject does not cover general administrative law but concentrates on the rules that regulate the administrative process (the Administrative Law).
Learning Outcome
After the course has been completed, the student must have:
- knowledge of the considerations on which the Public Administration Act is based and the law's system,
- knowledge of central administrative law concepts, and particularly good knowledge of the concept of legal certainty.
Have a particularly good knowledge of:
- the scope of the Public Administration Act,
- incapacity, the administration's duty to investigate and the parties' right to be notified and to have their say,
- the right to access public documents and information according to the Public Administration Act and the Public Administration Act,
- the requirements for form and justification for decisions,
- appeals against the administration's decisions and overturning decisions outside appeal proceedings.
After completing the course, the student must have the following skills:
- be able to find, identify, systematize, and formulate administrative law problems that have their origin in the Administrative Law or non-statutory norms for proper case management
- be able to discuss legal policy issues related to the Public Administration Act and be able to weigh the considerations of efficiency and legal certainty against each other.
After the course has been completed, the student must have the following general competence:
- be able to discuss legal issues where the legal basis is statutory or non-statutory,
- be able to identify the interaction between different legal bases, made concrete through the relationship between the Public Administration Act and the Public Administration Act,
- be able to acquire new legal knowledge both independently and in a group, convey legal analyses and conclusions in writing and orally, and present and argue for own legal assessments and conclusions.
Entry requirements
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, working groups, solving problems, and self-study.
Compulsory learning activities
At least 80% participation in seminars and guidance in small groups. Oral presentation of a written assignment at a seminar (group work). Up to tre written assignments (individual work), including submission of draft assignment answers. Constructive feedback on other students' draft assignments. All work requirements must be approved before one can apply for the exam. The work requirements is valid for the following two semesters.
4 hours school exam, letter grade.
Examination support material
"Lovdata pro" (a database containing sources of legal information) in exam mode, (with the incorporations that are permitted, and with access to all laws, preparatory work, regulations, case law from the Supreme Court and the courts of appeal, and all EEA and EU law sources. Bokmål/Nynorsk dictionary and simple calculator (not programmable). The course supervisor can decide on changes to permitted aids.
More about examination support material