Field of work
Employed at HIB/HVL since 2004. Near 15 year experience as a nurse /specialist nurse in pediatrics and diabetes at Oslo University Hospital. Education: PhD (University of Bergen, 2012), master in sociology (University of Oslo, 2001), “helsesøster” (Akershus University College, 1995), Bachelor in nursing (Bergen University College, 1986).
- Lecturer in the following topics: research methods, statistics, translation and validation of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), evidence-based practice, clinical audit, empowerment, health service user involvement, health promotion, diabetes in general and diabetes in various phases of the life span (including pediatric diabetes and diabetes in nursing homes).
- Diabetes and psychosocial aspects in various phases of the life span; the use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in research, national registries and clinical practice, implementation of evidence-based practice and evidence-based guidelines; diabetes epidemiology.