Research Librarian

Inger Marie Vik

Field of work

I am responsible for contact with the Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports (FLKI) in Bergen, alongside Solveig Kavli and Bodil Moss. The following are the specific subject areas for which I have particular responsibility within the GLU and BLU programs:

  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Norwegian language
  • Physical Education
  • Food and Health

If your students are in need of a course in academic writing, literature search or an introduction to library services please feel free to reach out. Together, we can tailor the instruction to align with relevant requirements and educational levels.

For master's students at FLKI, I am available for guidance. Please also explore our regular available services.

In addition, I am a member of the HVL Writing Center. 

Furthermore, I am involved in various outreach activities at the library, including marketing initiatives and exhibitions. 

Courses taught

  • Introduction to library sevices
  • Academic writing
  • Basic literature search

Research areas

Member of NaChiLitCul



(2023) Den økokritiske dialogen i naturfag og KRLE: en læreplananalyseØkokritiske dialoger: Innganger til arbeid med bærekraft i lærerutdanningen