Field of work
I am a social educator with work experience in the field of autism spectrum disorders, particularly with children and adolescents. Additionally, I have worked in the homes of individuals with disabilities and have experience from a habilitation center, the Educational and Psychological Services (PPT), and specialized healthcare services.
I have pursued further education in counseling, clinical miliue therapy, grief counseling, higher education pedagogy, and ICT and learning in higher education. I hold a master's degree in evidence-based practice in healthcare.
At Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, I work as an educator and researcher. I also serve as the director of Cochrane Norway.
Together with Lillian Bruland Selseng, I am the project leader for the Drug-related death and recovery (END) project. My doctoral project was a part of the END project, where I studied the consequences and burdens of drug-related deaths on bereaved parents and how they cope with everyday life.
Alongside Nina Rydland Olsen, I am also the project leader in the research project "Evindence-based practice across health and social care educations". My motivation for participating in this project is the opportunity to influence what skills and knowledge future social educators need to learn to practice evidence-based.
Courses taught
- Evidence-based practice
- Milieu therapy, habilitation, and rehabilitation
- Cognitive impairments
Research areas
- Evidence-based practice
- Autism
- Bereaved following drug-related deaths
- MARA590, Master Thesis, Spring 2025
- MARA590, Master Thesis, Fall 2024
- PHDH903, Research design and methods, Fall 2024
- VPL100, The conceptual basis and professional boundaries of the social educator , Fall 2024
- VPL120, Human lifespan development and learning , Fall 2024
- VPL130, Normative and Deive Goal-directed therapy, Spring 2025
- VPL210, Healthcare and health promotion, Fall 2024
- VPLP200, Healthcare and milieu therapeutic placement , Spring 2025
How do professional helpers in municipality’s health and welfare services relate to persons bereaved by illicit drug use? Qualitative research
The social context of grieving: Bereavement following drug-related deaths in Norway and implications for social work
Introducing an overarching research project on grief and support for people in potentially marginalised life situations
Book launch: The Routledge International Handbook of Drug-Related Death Bereavement
END: moving forward